Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 18, 2022
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Replies Created: 2

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  • Stephanie
    I grew up in Massachusetts with my father being employed by MassWildlife for 40 years.  I’ve always been interested in the natural world and always curious about birds, but never really had the time to explore them more deeply until now.  I have been doing birding with Massachusetts Audubon and joined Project Feeder Watch last winter.  I have been amazed and fascinated at how much I have learned already by doing those two simple things and by taking this course. I plant to utilize e bird going forward.  Admittedly, I was a little intimidated by it at first, but watching the segment in this course has made me realize how simple or involved it can really be.  Nest Watch also interests me, as we have blue bird boxes that are variously occupied by blue birds, tree swallows and house sparrows at different times. Happily, I have observed blue bird populations increase in my local area over my life time.  As have northern cardinals.  When I was a child in the 1970’s, they were a rarity.  This past winter I counted 12 at a time at my feeder on many occasions!  And thanks to the efforts of my father and his coworkers during the early 70’s, wild turkeys have gone from extremely rare here, to commonplace! Of the 7 Actions I could do to protect birds, I currently do most of them, but did not realize coffee growing methods were an issue and will try to do better there!  And as above, I plan to increase my citizen scientist participation.  I hope to learn enough about birding to begin volunteering to lead bird and other nature walks myself at my local Audubon sanctuary in future.
  • Stephanie
    Activity #1:  When I was a child, we would vacation on a small lake in New Hampshire, and I will never forget the haunting and beautiful calls of the Common Loons across the still water before anyone or anything was awake.  Anyone who has ever heard it knows it is an unforgettable experience. Activity #2 and #3:    I am participating in Project Feeder Watch and have the pleasure of seeing and reporting so many birds this winter, just outside my kitchen window at the feeders:  Blue Jays,  Cardinals, Chickadees (my personal favorite, for their spunky and brave personalities, and adorable and tiny look),  Red and White Breasted Nuthatches, Downy and Red Bellied Woodpeckers,  Sparrows (usually White Throated or House Sparrows), and Mourning Doves.  In the finch category, I have even seen a few Evening Grosbeaks this year!
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