Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: August 27, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Sarah
    One of my fondest earliest memories is of walking with my mom in the mountains. She appreciated my awe for all things around us, and appreciated the natural propensity kids have for noticing/observing nature... being delighted by things like butterflies, sunlight shining on tree branches, and flower petals. I loved playing in the sandbox, moving the sand around with shovels and buckets, and making "pancakes" for my family. I have been very fortunate to spend a lot of time outdoors with my 10-year old daughter, and am now trying to learn to immerse kids in nature at my school where I'm the lower school STEAM teacher. I hope for kids to feel emotional wellness, and a natural interest in science and a love for all forms of life around them.
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