Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 24, 2023
Topics Started: 1
Replies Created: 2

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  • Jim

    @Matthew Matthew, Yeah, I guess that's what I'll do for this year.  I've removed that nest every day for about a week and a half, and it's rebuilt within a few hours - they are stubborn and industrious little buggers!  It's kind of my fault anyway.  When I put up the shelf for the swallows (they originally were building on top of a light fixture, which I couldn't let happen), I inadvertently left enough space behind one of the ceiling joists that I attached the shelf to for these other guys to work.  I'll let the chips fall where they may for this year, and try and remedy things in the fall.  Thanks for your input and the links. Jim

  • Jim
    Hi Matthew, Yes, we do, and in fact, I have noticed an uptick in their population around our place this year....could be that they've discovered that my wife crumbles up a stack of Ritz crackers every morning and throws it out on our deck, in addition to the two bird feeders we keep well stocked.  Do you think Barn Swallows and House Finches would tolerate each other in close proximity, or will the Finches win out?  That would be a shame after all this time of having the swallows.
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