Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: June 11, 2023
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • Christine
    As I was walking from the parking ramp to my building, for work, I saw a bird in the shadows. No doubt it was a mourning dove. I could tell by its shape & was confirmed once I got closer. Also saw my favorite bird, while walking at the park! Yellow body, black & white wings, black cap on the very top of its head, smaller than a Robin, has a very specific flight pattern- kind of like waves, up & down, up & down—-an American Goldfinch!
  • Christine
    Activity 1- I really enjoyed the bird wall & will come back to it as I could have spent hours looking at all the birds! I’m drawn to birds with color on them. I enjoyed reading about the orange-bellied leaf bird, Lilac-breasted Roller and the Four-colored Bushshrike. Activity 2- today I had a very vibrant, male cardinal eating out of my feeder! Normally the House Sparrows run other birds off, so I was glad to have him there. I’ve seen several hummingbirds at the park I walk at by my house, always fascinating to watch. My friend and I use the phrase “just a Robin” or “just a red-winged blackbird” since they are in abundance where I live (Iowa). We wonder if they would seem more exciting if we didn’t always see them. Activity 3- my favorite bird is the American Goldfinch, which is also the state bird. I love the vibrant, yellow color & the whimsical way they fly!
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