Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 3, 2021
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Margaret
    1. I love birds and have always had a hard time drawing birds for some reason, despite the amount of time I spend watching them. I love being out in nature and appreciating the little things. I hope this will nurture that vein in my soul! 2. I really liked the idea of capturing the general shapes and motions of birds, even leaving out facial features when the bird flies away, and not pretending to have seen the face and filling in the blank. I also like the idea of incomplete drawings, like that is a natural part of the journaling process. It takes away from the obsession with perfection, and redirects the focus on the goal of the journal entry, whether that be general shape of birds. I also was surprised at people being able to capture birds despite how much they move! I'm interested in trying the journaling style that includes mostly drawing (for that is mostly why I am taking this course) but includes notations and questions, because I'm sure I will have some!
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