Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 29, 2023
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Replies Created: 1

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  • Jacquelyn
    1) I would say that statistically, squirrels eat eggs/songbirds nesting much more than crows do. 2) I see crows every morning in my neighborhood. They recognize me and start cawing as soon as they see me. I feel so happy when they call me. I have named them, Sheryl and Russell. There are actually four of them that are regular visitors and cawers to me. I've told all my neighbors about Sheryl and Russell and they like them too-- they think I'm hilarious and my husband does too and he's even interested in birds and he never was before. Crows are so interesting. They love the peanuts I put out for them and come over to eat them as soon as I go back in the house. I can't wait to learn more. Thank you for this program. 3) No. Doesn't look like Ravens are in Virginia too much. I would know because Ravens have more pointed tails and beaks and have five fingers instead of four. They also have beautiful black / purple-y feathers. 4) Crows warn other birds that prey is coming, so other smaller birds would appreciate crows.
    in reply to: What is a Crow? #988608
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