Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: November 13, 2017
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Cherie
    I hadn't ever thought of starting a nature journal. I have always loved birds ( I have three -a 20 year old male eclectus, 14 year old female cockatiel and a 3 year old India ring necked parakeet). I have been a bird watcher in southern Ontario Canada and in Costa Rica where I have a home. I also am retired and was a professional photographer so my first instinct is to grab the camera. Being in Costa Rica gives me an incredible opportunity to observe birds, insects and all sorts of wild life. I know I can draw but need to really work on this skill. Looking at the journals in the video it showed me all different formats and skill levels in drawing.  I found it  thrilling that everyone was able to capture the subject they were drawing no matter what skill level. I am just joining now on November 16 so am behind somewhat some of you. I think I will incorporate the boxes or circles in my journal and also some photographs (although I would like to move away from taking photos.) It will be a challenge to sit and sketch without the instant image through digital photography. Being visual I am going to try and incorporate written information as I proceed along... I have a feeling this will be a work in progress. With all the ways of electronically communicating we have , it will be nice to communicate through our own eyes revealing how you see nature and what catches your attention. And now it begins.... Cherie
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