Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 6, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Elizabeth
    1. I've done nature journaling in the past, mostly to document my garden, things I've planted and observed in my own yard. Over the years I've stopped doing it for the most part and I've realized I miss it. I work as a graphic designer and I spend most of of my creative time on the computer. I'd like to get back to doing more drawing/painting, I have a background in illustration and really enjoy the process of rendering things by hand. There are days when my creative energy feels "spent" but I think this type of drawing is therapeutic and it's just for ME, on my schedule and on my terms. 2. The boxes or partial boxes to "contain" illustrations, the recognition and use of simple shapes when trying to capture form and gesture are both things I have done and will continue to do. I enjoyed seeing the different styles each journaler has, everyone's work is unique to them which is always fun to see. The little "mini palettes" of color swatches on some of the pages is a nice idea I will incorporate. 3. Not yet! But I hope to.
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