[A dusky broadbill lands on top of its nest. The nest dangles from a thin branch and resembles rotting vegetation, as it is covered in moss and leaves. The nest bounces and sways from the weight of the bird. The broadbill flies away.] [Explore MacaulayLibrary.org]
End of transcriptThe Dusky Broadbill’s Camouflaged Nest
Forests are crawling with predators, and young chicks make for an easy meal, so many birds, such as this Dusky Broadbill, make sure their nests are hard to raid. Using moss, lichens, and other plant matter these birds build what’s referred to as a pendulous cup nest, dangling from a thin branch and resembling tangled, rotting vegetation. Some broadbills even decorate the outside of the nest with cobwebs, creating an even more convincing disguise.
This video accompanies Chapter 11, Breeding Biology of Birds, Handbook of Bird Biology, 3rd Edition from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Wiley Publishing.
Recorded by Brian R Magnier, Macaulay Library