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Can someone please tell me what bird this feather came from. It was found in Upstate New York.You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
This is a secondary wing feather. If it was from a Blue Jay, it would have barring. It appears to be a male Mallard's feather. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has a great site for identifying feathers. It's called the Feather Atlas, and here is the page with blue feathers. You can see both Blue Jays and Mallard feathers here.
That is a blue jay's...It looks like it's one of its primaries wing feathers.
mallard duck or a stellar jay or blue jay
Maybe if he found it in upstate New York it might not be a Steller's jay feather, they have a very western range :) But i think your on to something about the Blue jay and Mallard!
Definitely A Blue jay feather a have found quite a few of these most likely a wing feather outer primaries :D
I would say it is most likely a blue jay
Thank you. That was my initial thought, but then I thought it could be from a Mallard Duck.
@Michael The blue pattern is not bold enough to be a mallard