The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › How to Paint Birds with Jane Kim › Draw: Northern Cardinal Feathers
Your feathers are wonderful in that drawing....nice work!
Wow! I found myself getting dizzy as I was drawing and redrawing the primaries :)
You got the details on those feathers! WoW!
I love cardinals - can't wait to paint him :)
My Northern Cardinal with individual feathers.
I’m really intrigued by this process! I’ve drawn/sketched for many years and have never thought about using basic shapes and the pencil measuring technique before! I feel like this process, breaking things down from macro to micro, all the steps we took, will be a game changer for my art. I can see this being immensely helpful for proportions and composition.
Final drawing - with alteration to back feathers (thanks, Jenny). The hardest part was getting the shape of the leading edge of the primaries (the emargination line) in the right place. I think it's also important to remember that this is not a drawing in its own right, but a guide for the painting which is to come. Hence it looks a little stark - and there is still a chance to make alterations in the painting phase.
I recognize that I am getting tired so must stop--this is indicated on the sketch by the parallel unrealistic marks on the back of the bird, and the reworking of the primaries. These parallel lines were uber difficult, and while I was happy at first, when it came to using the kneaded eraser I found that the eraser removed 90% of my marks. This meant that I had to re-do the wing feather layering, and this meant my pencil started getting thicker lines, and almost impossible to erase any more. The silver grey (Canadian eh?) 'mosquito' swarm over the page is my kneaded eraser objecting to having been used. I find that my parts (like on the cheeks) didn't match the beginning of the video, so I erased them and followed the teacher, then at the end of the video was told that I actually got it right the first time! My poor eraser! My sanity! This, of course, is due to a lack of confidence on my part, perhaps, but more likely that I am a newbie in both art and bird drawing--I don't trust myself (yet). It is possible that I have to control my lack of patience, so I find the advice to stand up and walk away is very appropriate. Great course and clear instructions, thank you Jane.
Hi Jenny, I read your comment about the unrealistic marks on the back - and realized I had done exactly the same thing! I will alter this before posting the pic - many thanks - I would not have picked this up until too late...
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