The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Nature Journaling and Field Sketching Drawing What You See – Upside Down Drawing

    • Candy
      Chirps: 19
      This exercise requires patience and focus.  I had the most difficulty with the splotchy 20201127_165608belly shapes because they are more irregular and "floating" vs connected by other lines.
      • Candy
        Chirps: 19
      • Candy
        Chirps: 19

        @Candy I was so , I forgot the tail!

    • Amie
      Chirps: 7
      20201120_122410At first I really found this lesson enjoyable. But then about halfway through I realized that some of my proportions were really off. I got rather frustrated and and wanted to erase half of what I had done. Then my husband reminded me that this is a learning process and I should just finish it. I can always go back and try it again later, continuing to improve with each try. I stepped away from it for a couple months, then came back and finished it. Overall once I was done I am really happy with the results.
    • Becky
      Chirps: 10
      I had fun with this exercise - it forced me to take my time and look at the shapes in relation/proportion to each other - rather than thinking about the whole subject.  It came out better than I thought it would! IMG_5851
    • Bridget
      Chirps: 13
      This was challenging and fun! I started out seeing the sparrow but after I will I got so focussed on the drawing I started to see only lines relating to other shapes  or lines. A really helpful exercise. IMG_20201115_162008
    • Alisha
      Chirps: 21
      It was difficult, and I had to keep focused!  I was surprised that when I flipped it around it actually looked much like the bird I was drawing.  The details were hard to do (markings on chest).  I guess that tells me that if you really draw exactly what you see and don't be limited by the overall appearance, you can be accurate :)
    • Jennifer
      Chirps: 7
      Fun and hard. Had to really concentrate on the shapes, not an upside down bird : )imageimage
    • Pat
      Chirps: 5
      Pat M., October 27, 2020 It was difficult, but a good workout. Bird proportions dicey. Bird upside down
    • Linda
      Chirps: 12
      Upside down drawing I have done this before and it really is amazing.  I did have difficulty keeping my place on the subject.  Good exercise.
    • Deb
      Chirps: 7
      This was so hard for me!! I ended up with a headache. No joke. I had a really hard time with proportion and negative space - it was like my mind could not adjust to the image being upside down. While the exercise made me slow down, I found that I started to give up at the end and hurry........this was the hardest so far. IMG_4952
    • Sandra
      Chirps: 8
      I haven't tried upside down drawing in a very long time, and again, it forced me to slow down, and use all those skills we've learned.  After awhile it just became like doing a puzzle - here's a squiggle, it points at that line, it's halfway down, under the bulby thing, same length as this line.  But wow those islands were tricky. naturejournal_upside down2020
      • Alisha
        Chirps: 21
        Beautiful and very accurate!
      • Kim
        Chirps: 2
        You did great!!
    • Beverly
      Chirps: 8
      This was quite challenging and I had to work very slowly.  The sparrow turned out better than I anticipated.  The marks on the stomach got a little confusing.Scan_0003
    • Richard
      Chirps: 6
      Upside Down Bird 10.13.20Needed more patience and quiet to do it right. Did try to work as shapes but believe I need to draw it larger to see the smaller details
    • Jon
      Chirps: 1
      Let death be the moment when I turn the picture of my life over and marvel at the results. This exercise was a real gift to me...trusting, enjoying, and "mov(ing) through" without mental baggage/memory. Thank you.20201010_154518
      • Neva Ayn
        Chirps: 2
        That's a neat message! Well done!
    • Jean
      Chirps: 11
      I found this exercise challenging.  It took awhile. I tried to concentrate on the relationships between shapes, but I never quite disconnected from seeing a bird.  I'm pleased with the results and could keep tweaking it.  IMG_5771
    • Caroline
      Chirps: 17
      Drawing the branch felt easy to start but the closer I got to the head the more challenging it became. I ended up putting my finger on the computer screen to remember where I was. But the more time I spent looking at the lines while drawing, the more accurate the drawing became. I have to say I am super happy with the result. bird
    • Janice
      Chirps: 6
      What a great exercise! Very quickly I found that I had to concentrate on the subject, to the point of seeming to do blind contouring drawing. Super fun.image
    • Linda
      Chirps: 17
      This exercise took quite awhile for me. After three tries starting with the branch end, I found it worked to start with the negative space between the bird and the branch. I am not sure I ever totally disengaged from the fact it was a bird, but as I moved from shape to shape it became easier to concentrate on just the shapes and their placement. I think my result is pretty good, but some of the proportions aren't right. Enjoyed this once I got past the start. unnamed
    • Rhonda
      Chirps: 1
      fullsizeoutput_22d9 This was challenging for me and when I first started drawing I wasn't sure I would be able to do it. I'm pleased with the results in that I did focus on the negative spaces while drawing and got all of my lines and shapes. This exercise made me slow down and really look at shapes and negative spaces. I found I had to print the picture because it was too hard to look back and forth at the computer screen.
    • Lumi
      Chirps: 12
      Difficult. I saw the sparrow as it was, in the photograph.image The form of my bird was way off, and I’m not sure what went wrong.
    • Adella
      Chirps: 18
      It took a long time for me to sketch the Song Sparrow and it was challenging.  I tried to look at the subject as it was. It eventually all came together and I was surprised it turned out as well as it did. It was definitely a fun exercise.  2020-09-04 Drawing What You See2020-09-04 - Drawing What You See (2)
    • Kimmai
      Chirps: 13
      IMG_4086This was difficult !  The longer I drew the more I focused on shapes, lines and portions.
    • Victoria
      Chirps: 14
    • Emilie
      Chirps: 2
      I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get the foto and words in the same submission.... I found drawing the bird upside down excruciatingly slow, and I think I am going to learn patience.  It turned out very good in my opinion, so I'm happy.  I am enjoying this course.IMG_7918
    • diana
      Chirps: 52
      940BD41F-CD44-4F2C-BF2D-E0B69601257455845CA2-D0AB-4915-BE10-A699443AA612   The upside down drawing was not too hard until I got to the belly, then I did not have a way to make associations and relationships, to label and fit in what I was drawing. I will try understanding the belly feathers again later.
    • Patricia
      Chirps: 21
      This was kind of fun, although it took me quite a while to complete.  In the beginning, I saw shapes and lines.  I began with a quick very rough outline of the branch and the bird shape so I would have a proportion that approximated the space on my paper.  Then I started with the same part of the branch you did in the video and it was line to the break, then the shape began to have a relationship piece by piece, then it was all about shapes and trying to see beyond the line break how they came together or disappeared in to a new shape.  Next I did the outline of the bird’s body to the beak, I got lost in the cap and the beak.  Had to go down to the right leg up and it was it was shapes, lines and relationships from there to the end. Pat20200818_104147 Upsidedown Song Sparrow