The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Bird Photography with Melissa Groo › Practice Gaining an Audience with Birds
I often walk to a local park which has a lake and other bird friendly habitat. Even though it is close to a busy street/highway, birds do not seem to be disturbed by the traffic. I go there and find a place to just sit and look over the lake and the edge of the lake. One day I was sitting there and watching a Great Egret feeding on the far side of the lake. I patiently sat and watched as the Egret made its way closer and closer to where I was. I was able to get this shot and found it quite rewarding to see it feeding and to capture that activity in my photo. The lighting was such that I was also able to get the reflection. I was also able to get a photo of a Great Blue Heron along the lake's edge.
Great you got the reflections!
Nice photos and the one with the egret capturing the food I like even better.
I saw there was a sparrow visiting a feeder, so I sat in a chair about 30 feet away, with the sun at my back. I took various shots of the feeder, trying different modes (manual, shutter priority, etc.) and ISO levels to optimize the light. I waited about 30 minutes but the bird didn't return. I was too close and too obvious. Although I moved some, I didn't make any sudden movements. It gave me a sense that I need to work harder to get well positioned.
Near my backyard feeder, there is a fence, a brush pile, two potted plants, and an evergreen bush. Birds will often perch on these, or in a nearby maple tree, while awaiting a turn at the feeder or to retreat to with their meal.
What lens support does Melissa use when shooting from a low position on the beach? It appears to be saucer shaped.
In Lesson 2, in the section called Understand tripod, Melissa mentions at the end that she uses Ground pods, in particular the Skimmer Pod from NatureScapes. That could be the one.
@Isabelle Isabelle, thank you! I checked out NatureScapes and it is a ground pod.
It appears that you use AF rather than manual?
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