• Mary
      Chirps: 1
      When I lived in the Western suburbs of Boston, abutting a wetland, we had barred owls in our area. I saw one almost daily for a couple of years.  One day I saw two barred owls sitting on a tree together.  One of them was stroking the other around the eyes with those enormous talons. The most striking owl I saw there was a snowy owl, sitting on our fence post late one snowy night.  It was so imposing that the dog would not go outside.  We watched for a while and then it flew down under the bird feeder, through at least 6 inches of snow and came up with a mouse.
      • Kim
        Chirps: 2
        What a great place to be!  I’m amazed and jealous that you have seen owls on such a regular basis. The dog and the snowy owl story was great!
    • Donna
      Chirps: 2
      I saw a barn owl in a barn at Wakamatsu Farm in Placerville, California back in 2017. I've seen borrowing owls in a field outside of Sacramento. I've seen a spotted owl in Georgetown, Ca. and I've heard owl hoots in wooded areas of Tahoe.
    • Anne
      Chirps: 2
      In Sonoma county, CA, I have seen barn owls in a water tower. Otherwise i can hear a pair of great horn owls nearby my house every nights and hope to spot them during daytime after following this class🤞
    • nina
      Chirps: 3
      We have Great Horned Owls in Berkeley/Oakland, CA, hills.  I have heard a nesting pair call to each other in the tall Monterey Pines and Redwood trees in the Berkeley hills neighborhoods.  There are lots of canyons with streams throughout this area.  Also hear Red-tailed Hawks high up but mostly they are in the Tilden Park Regional Parks area.  Barn Owls have nesting boxes in Cesar Chavez Park on SF Bay, though rare to see.  Also Burrowing Owls make ground nests there at this Bayside Park seasonally (winter).
      • Claire
        Chirps: 7
        When you see burrowing owls in winter I assume they go elsewhere to breed.  Do they stay in burrows when you see them do they roost?
    • John
      Chirps: 1
      We recently were able to have a very close experience with a Barred Owl in Winnipeg. It was sitting beside Omand's Creek (frozen), about 10 feet up in a dead tree. We were able to get quite close to it. There had been a Barred Owl calling across the river recently. It might have been the same bird in its range. It was beside our creek for several days.
    • Karen
      Chirps: 1
      Only at a bird rehab facility and at the National Aviary
    • Alex
      Chirps: 1
      My partner and I rescued a Great Horned Owl in Vermont. We transported her to Vermont Institute of Natural Science where she was rehabbed. When she was ready to be released they allowed us to do the honors very near where she was found in Charlotte, VT. Pretty cool!
    • Joan
      Chirps: 1
      Only once have I seen an owl.  It was in the Okeefanokee swamp in GA, USA.  I could not identify it, but it might have been a great horned owl.
    • judith
      Chirps: 2
      I am 6 years old and I live  in Dubai.I went to the aquarium and I saw an owl with white feathers, short legs, and it was shaking its head from side to side.  It was dark in that part of the aquarium and the owl was awake.
      • judith
        Chirps: 2
        The above posting is from my six year old granddaughter..who is quite interested in the natural world.  I hope to expand that knowledge as she grows, and being in Dubai does present some diverse and interesting situations.  Sometimes though, because of climate, these experiences are artificial; however,  interest in the environment is flourishing here.
    • Carolyn
      Chirps: 2
      I have seen and heard Barred Owls in Southwestern Ohio. We used to try to call them saying "Who Cooks for you? Who cooks for You all?" Sometimes they would hoot in response.
    • Ashlyn
      Chirps: 5
      I frequently hear and rarely see Barred Owls near my home in Arkansas. I have also heard and seen Great Horned Owls here, but much more seldom. One of my greatest owl memories is seeing a Great Horned up close and personal on a misty autumn day in the Rockies of Colorado. It was one of those magical moments in God’s creation!
    • Tim
      Chirps: 1
      88EF3826-A399-4BDE-BFA1-3767196BF565Great Horned Owl in North East Ohio, USA. I was looking for a woodpecker when I turned and saw the Owl, One of those WOW moments!
    • mitchell
      Chirps: 1
      Screen Shot 2021-01-22 at 8.12.23 AM
    • Paula
      Chirps: 4
      I have seen a barn owl on my backyard fence. The owl has been featured in this course.  I'm in Perth, Western Australia.
    • Jennifer
      Chirps: 8
      I saw a Great Horned Owl several years ago, and I've heard one near my home recently, but have not been able to see it. I was also fortunate to see a Burrowing Owl this summer at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge.
    • Kimberly
      Chirps: 9
      I live near a golf course near Phoenix, AZ  with at least 50 burrow owls.  We watch baby burrowing owls emerge from a hole across the street from our house every year.  They spend the majority of their time in our yard as they are learning to fly.  This type of owl has been mentioned in this course.  They are very social and even have mating dances and vocalizations that I haven't really seen people talk about anywhere.  I have also seen male burrowing owls fight each other over females in the spring.  Here is a picture of one of them.  I really enjoy watching their antics as they are very cute and make many sounds.  One sound in particular is like a rattlesnake.kimberly-collingwood-rm4sR0v2bfw-unsplash (5)
      • John
        Chirps: 7
        Nice pic! That is so Cool!! Burrowing Owls are fascinating species and yes they will mimic the sound of a Rattlesnake. Its actually a deterrent to ward off any predators.  Thank you
      • Kimberly
        Chirps: 9

        @John Thanks!  Hopefully we will have baby owls soon...

    • Juli
      Chirps: 18
      I have seen quite a few owls in my life. When I was a child I found a red morph Eastern Screech-owl sitting in the bushes right at eye level. It was asleep and hardly opened it's eyes as I looked at it. It was intriguing and seemed like something out of an imaginary world to me. I will never forget it! Now I run in the mornings before the sun comes up. It is fairly common to hear Barred Owls. Many times I have heard them their courtship calls which get very emphatic and interesting. From time to time I see them but mostly at that time of day I hear them. I used to have a big light in my backyard that would automatically come on at night. The bugs would come to the light and a Barred Owl would come and catch and eat the bugs on a regular basis. Over the years I have seen the Barred Owls many, many times. I also have seen quite a few Great Horned Owls, including juveniles who recently left the nest. I once saw a Great Horned Owl swoop down and grab a snake out in the national forest. When in Belize this past March I saw both a Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl and a Spectacled Owl. Both were very special memories!
    • Yvonne
      Chirps: 3
      Last year I went on a guided program to spot short-eared owls. This fall I went to various locations near my home to find Northern Harriers since I know they like the same habitat as the owls. Three weeks ago I saw my first, "I found it no one showed me," owl. I also have seen a Barred Owl that is a bit of a celebrity because he likes to hang out during the day where people can see him from a boardwalk in the Great Swamp. And I was fortunate to attend an owl banding session for Northern Saw-Whet owls. All of this was in Central NJ.
    • BARRRED OWL 2013 WINTER 028 this was taken 7 years ago, last time we saw an owl in our back yard. I think it is a Barred Owl. We live on 40 acres of forest but in total with our neighbors there is more than 160 acres. We hear the Barred Owl every year and the Boreal Owl. Used to hear the Great Gray but haven't in several years. We are in Eastern Manitoba Canada.
    • We have Barred owls nesting on and  around our property. We live in the country in Southwest Wisconsin.
    • Connie
      Chirps: 2
      • Connie
        Chirps: 2
        I have seen great horned owls in Michigan and at Grand Bend NP on the Rio Grand. I was surprised to spot this in the Everglades during the day in March 2020. This is the reason I’m looking forward to this class , to be able to identify better.
    • Elaina
      Chirps: 1
      The balcony of our 3rd floor apartment over looked a heavily wooded ravine, and we often heard a barred owl there. One evening we heard it out there and tried mimicking its call. After a few calls, three barred owls came flying out of the woods and perched on branches not far from our balcony. Easily one of the coolest things I've ever experienced!
    • I have seen snowy owls near my place in open fields east of Toronto for past 3 winters. They also like to hang out at marinas on Lake Ontario. They are magnificent to watch!
      • Karrin
        Chirps: 47
        You are so lucky, Cyndi! Seeing a snowy owl is now on my bucket list. :-)
    • DSCN0144
    • Great Horned (at a distance - living in a ravine by our house) also, on a yearly basis at Presque Isle S.P. They've raised 2 chicks each year & can be observed from a paved path - watched over by Presque Isle volunteers to prevent humans from getting too close) Bad pic of chicks in nest. Barn Owl - Belize (chicks, too) at Lamanai Outpost Lodge. Discovered by our guide Barred (Presque Isle S. P. Erie, Pa.)   Snowy - Presque Isle S.P. off the entrance to the channel a few years ago. Have one this year (2020) I haven't seen except photo online.IMG_0218