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I have seen snowy owls near my place in open fields east of Toronto for past 3 winters. They also like to hang out at marinas on Lake Ontario. They are magnificent to watch!
You are so lucky, Cyndi! Seeing a snowy owl is now on my bucket list. :-)
Great Horned (at a distance - living in a ravine by our house) also, on a yearly basis at Presque Isle S.P. They've raised 2 chicks each year & can be observed from a paved path - watched over by Presque Isle volunteers to prevent humans from getting too close) Bad pic of chicks in nest. Barn Owl - Belize (chicks, too) at Lamanai Outpost Lodge. Discovered by our guide Barred (Presque Isle S. P. Erie, Pa.) Snowy - Presque Isle S.P. off the entrance to the channel a few years ago. Have one this year (2020) I haven't seen except photo online.
In the wild I have only ever seen Great horned Owls but I am really hoping someday I see some other species.
Wow, what a great picture, Wesley!
- I see this Great Horned owl sitting up in a tree in my backyard in Central California frequently during the daytime. In the early morning hours I get up and see it up on a pole that over looks the agricultural fields over our back fence, and at dusk, I have seen him there too. I have noticed less of the field mice making it into my backyard this year, and am thinking I have this guy to thank for that.
I've seen owls on evening walks and while cross-country skiing. I suspect many were the great horned owl common to our region.
I have seen an owl a couple of times: once in the jungles of Ecuador (pictured below) and once, a great horned owl, in the woods behind our house in Cherry Hill NJ. I tried to imitate the call of the great horned owl and, likely by coincidence, it flew closer.
I have never seen an owl in my life except in pictures. I really want to see them.
Last year I noticed a Barred Owl while on my deck - we live on a ravine in Wisconsin. A pair of owls frequented the neighborhood. So my husband made a nesting box and we put it up a week or so ago to see if they might use it.
I was camping with my family at Greenfield State Park in NH and we were sitting around the campfire at dusk and an owl swooped into the tree right at our campsite. I believe it was a Great Horned Owl. I didn't have my camera handy and it probably would have been too dark to get a good picture, but it sure was exciting. Another time I was getting out of my car at about 10 p.m. and I heard 2 Great Horned owls conversing back and forth right in the woods behind my house. I just stood in the driveway and listened to them as I could not see them. It was awesome!
I have seen seven of the thirteen Owl species in Arizona. The most elusive was the Mexican Spotted Owl. I was lucky enough to find a pair.
That is a wonderful photo! I have birded in Arizona but have only seen Great Horned Owls.
I’m originally from Puerto Rico where I had the opportunity to observe in 1983 the Puerto Rican Owl, and Short-eared Owl during field trips as they were hunting some bats. When I moved to the USA to attend grad-school I saw in 1988 my first Great Horned Owl near the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, and Barred Owl at the UNC Chapel Hill campus in 1989. In 1997 in Maryland during the Midwinter Montgomery County Bird Count I found a gray Eastern Screech-Owl looking out a Wood Duck box. In my first trip to Costa Rica in 2004 I observed and heard a Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. I moved to California in 2007 and joined the faculty at UC Merced where in campus I had the opportunity to observe Burrowing Owl and Barn Owl. After I moved back to Maryland during the irruption in 2013, I followed various birders and saw my first Snowy Owl. For several years I have looked between November and December for the Great Gray Owl in Yosemite and Northern Saw-whet Owl in Maryland but as of yet not seen either but have found some regurgitated pellets indicating they were around.
On New Year's Eve, we were gathered around our small fire pit in Seattle when we heard the calls of what we think were the Barred owl. We followed the sound to a tall maple tree in a neighbor's yard and were able to watch the owl's shadow for a few minutes before it flew off soundlessly. As it was flying away we got a good look at the wing feathers when the light shown on them.
I am pretty lucky in that there are frequently barred owls that can be heard and seen around my house. Last spring, there was a nest and I got to see the young owls when they were learning to fly! Also, there has been a snowy owl hanging out in the town over from me here in Vermont that I've been able to see multiple times. Owls are fantastic!
We have Great horned owls in our neighborhood - we hear them often but only see them rarely. We put up a barn owl box last year but haven't enticed any to move in yet. Hopefully this year. I have seen an eagle owl (during the day) in Kenya. Would love to see more owls!
I was lucky enough to see a Snowy Owl just before Christmas in Eastern Ontario. Love the Snowy Owls.
Hello I have a Great Horned owl in my backyard, I love birds they are wonderful.
I have been very fortunate to observe and photograph Barred, Great Gray, Great Horned, Snowy, Northern Hawk and Eastern Screech Owls.
Nice photos!
I saw an eastern screech owl, Chicagoland region. I was working late, left the the building that leds into a park and right there at the entrance was the owl perched in the tree, lit up by the park lights. It was really cool. I also hear a lot of great horned owls especially in the fall and occasionally will hear a screech owl.
During the irruption year I saw a snowy owl flying at the edge of the woods less than a mile from our house. I’ve heard great horned owls in our local forest outside downtown Philadelphia. I am always looking at suitable nest trees in hopes of seeing an owl. I would love to see or hear a barred owl—they are around here. I find recordings of their call hilarious, especially when two of them get going.
I have been fortunate to see the following owls: Brown Fish Owl, Spotted Owlet, Jungle Owlet, Dusky Eagle Owl, Barn Owl, and the Indian Scops Owl. Once I was walking home at night, something told me to look behind me and just as I turned around, I saw a Barn Owl fly silently towards me. I don't know what it is about owls but I get a thrill each time I see them.
I was fortunate to see a Snowy Owl receiving rehabilitation at the Vet College on Prince Edward Island, but had to wait years to see one in the wild in Southern New Jersey. For the Spring and Winter bird counts, I owl and pick up a Barred Owl and Great Horn Owl. One of our urban parks has a pair of nesting Barred Owls who produce 1 to 2 owlets each year.
I saw a large owl at the San Deigo Zoo CA that was used during a wild bird show to demonstrate how silently they can fly. It was released from the back of the tent and you did not even hear it flying down to the stage.
I have seen both a Great Horned Owl in a Pet shop in Pennsylvania in the 1970s. I presume owls are no longer allowed to be pets. I have have also seen barn owls in trees and when we moved into a house near Bethlehem, PA we found a dead barn owl in the tree that had grown close to the house when we removed it.
A large owl was stunned or injured at the end of our dirt driveway on the side of the road. I live in Maine and called "Avian Haven" a nonprofit wild bird rescue/hospital in Palermo,ME. They advised us how to move it . As we were placing the owl in a large cardboard box , the eyes looked at me and moved its wings, we had to let go and the owl flew off beautifully. I have seen a great horned owl in Alaska. It sat on a branch of a tall tree for quite a while, but I didn't have a camera. A snowy owl near Logan airport Boston. I live on 15 acres near a state park and hear owls frequently...would like to see one here.
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