I enjoyed trying this first assignment, but I definitely am unaccustomed to working with watercolours! I had too much moisture on the paper and couldn't get the finer marking details properly. I didn't find it too difficult to get the basic shape of the bird, but I didn't capture the energy and character of it to my satisfaction. I know what I would try differently if I did it again, though.
I definitely would not have noticed the details of the markings if I had not been asked to draw the bird. This would make a difference if I was trying to identify it and learn more about it.
For the past year and a half I have been taking a wildlife tracking course, and we do journaling as part of that. We incorporate small sketches into our records, but they are from photos or books, not generally from real life, and I think my observational skills would be much stronger if I had to do more sketching, including colour, from real life. The watercolour sketches in these examples are gorgeous, and although I am far from having those kinds of skills, I am excited at the prospect of practising and hopefully developing them, and having a much more exciting record of my observations and discoveries to look back at over time.