Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 23, 2019
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Replies Created: 2

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  • Alison
    yellowwarbler 1) I was full of trepidation because I haven't really tried to draw anything for over 30 years... but maybe the skill will come back. Most challenging for me was catching the angle of the bird's head. 2) I thinkI would have missed the color of the feet and the subtle gray shading on the back and ruff if I hadn't been analyzing the photo to draw it. In nature journaling, this could make a huge difference in species ID.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #647774
  • Alison
    1) I volunteer at a native medicinal garden with Extension Master Gardeners, but I rarely take the time to do observations. My goal is to have the luxury of time to sit, observe, and take notes, and improve my art and journaling skills so that I can keep better records of the amazing (often very tiny!) things I get to see. We are planning to add observation time to our work rotation this next year, and I hope that my notes will help increase our knowledge base about our garden and its inhabitants and visitors. 2) I really enjoyed the "boxes" in the first journaler's approach. I can relate to why she started using them, and I like the way they define the pages in her journal. 3) Since I already take and print photographs of our garden, I might include some of them in my journal along with my written and drawn/painted observations. What I paint and draw will be different from my photographs; I think they will both complement one another, though.
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