Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 28, 2019
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Replies Created: 2

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  • Jessica
    I tried to use a different style of shading for the sphere, the apple, the lemon and the miniature pumpkin to varying degrees of success. I most enjoyed stippling the lemon, which felt almost meditative after a time, though I fear the outcome looks rather more like a kiwi fruit in texture. I struggled most with miniature pumpkin and couldn't get the combination of cross hatching and contouring to work, which was frustrating.IMG_20191117_175714
  • Jessica
    1.    How did you feel about drawing from the photo? What came easily and what was challenging? I have drawn from photos before and found I made my customary mistakes of making the feet and head too large and consequently spent far too long reworking the image, a luxury I would not have had I been drawing from life. I’ve never added ink or watercolour to a drawing before, and I found that far more challenging than I’d anticipated. I couldn’t create the colours I wanted, I lost all my details and shading and struggled to embrace the free-flowing nature of watercolours. The end result feels both garish and flat - room for improvement! 2.    Was there anything in the photo that you might not have noticed if you weren’t asked to draw it? Would this make a difference when nature journaling? I almost certainly would not have noticed the details of the branches or those of the primaries and secondaries or the olive-grey hues of the mantle.   IMG_20191015_182624
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646671
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