Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 28, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 3

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  • midi
    Really love this! Thanks for sharing 👋
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #648595
  • midi
    1 As a complete beginner, I just had to jump in and hope that I would get the proportions and general shape right. This came a little more easily than I had anticipated and I felt happy with this first pass. The shading was a big challenge. I found I wasn't interested in the foliage so I focused only on the bird. I enjoyed researching the yellow warbler and writing about what I had found - especially discovering that it breeds in coastal southern California although I haven't seen any in our back yard. I'll hope to see one now! One challenge I had not expected was keeping the page clean from marks on my little finger. Need to get more dexterous about that.YellowWarbler 2 I wouldn't have paid attention to the detail. Would just have taken in the colour and overall impression. I loved seeing how the bird's claws wrap around the branch. And I was fascinated by something in how it balances its plump body on those spindly legs.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #648593
  • midi
    Hi everyone! I've enjoyed reading emails from you all and can feel how rich are the experiences, gifts and resources among nature journalers gathered here. 1 What inspired me to begin? This course came along at a perfect moment for me, when I am ready to slow down and give myself time and space to explore and appreciate whatever is right in front of my nose in nature. When the invitation arrived, I was  attracted by Liz's enthusiasm and giftedness, and I felt intuitively that I can learn from her and enjoy doing so. As a small child I was given two books of a women called Edith Holden, including 'The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. They were things of such beauty that I loved owning them, and they inspired me to look closely at plants and creatures on my walks and rides around my home. It never occurred to me then to try my own hand at nature journaling. I want now to develop my eye and observational skills as well as to learn drawing and painting techniques at my own pace in my own style. I'm slow starting the course because nature has served up a lot of fire around my home recently - I did not want to begin and have to evacuate immediately. 2 Ideas and approaches I'll try: I enjoyed the variety of journals and was specially attracted by Shayna's work. The mix of writing and art anode different subjects; the way she evolved from closed to open box organically; her 'zoom' style of focussing on detail. I'm a perennial learner so imagine I too will be going to internet to research what I have just been observing and recording. 3 I'm excited to explore whatever comes up in my path and want to stay open to new and different ideas. I write and I aspire to be able to illustrate my own stories. I sense that journaling will give me the raw materials and practice to begin. Here's an example of Edith Holden's genius that once so inspired me: Screen Shot 2019-11-02 at 15.14.09
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