Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 1, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • Jane
    1) Drawing from the photo felt less “panicky” than trying to get details from a living, ‘could leave any moment’ subject. The leaves were easier than the shape of the bird. I did those first and erased many times sketching the bird. 2) The discoloration and rips in the leaves I would not have noticed. The rust colored lines on the breast would have only been black to me if sketching more quickly. The gentle slope of the head was done repeatedly. 3) I think I would miss a lot of details when nature journaling.58231F0C-CD66-4C19-96B7-F5AE6F511A8E
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #645311
  • Jane
    My relationship with my husband began at the University of Wisconsin -Stevens Point. Through his forestry major at the college of natural resources, he helped connect me with nature. From laying on the forest floor to watching  the return of the Woodcock we had just seen take off to observing the pre-dawn  mating of the prairie chicken at the Buena Vista Marsh, he immersed me in God’s creation. Taking this course brings me back to our roots  and I remember him while creating something new. I’m excited to improve my drawing skills, focusing less on technology and my phone, and observing and listening to the quiet.
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