Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: December 4, 2019
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Replies Created: 2

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  • Kathryn
    IMG_3941 1. How did you feel about drawing from the photo? What came easily and what was challenging? I at first was nervous as I've never drawn a bird. I began with the tail then worked my way toward the head and belly. I found the bird challenging, bust mostly as a new skill. I enjoyed the twig, leaves, moss and lichen, those were more easy for me, but still somewhat more abstract rather than realistic. I feel that the drawing is decent, especially for a first. But the deciding whether to try to shade and show more of the color of the feathers was difficult to decide. 2. Was there anything in the photo that you might not have noticed if you weren’t asked to draw it? Would this make a difference when nature journaling? I'm not sure I would have noticed the spots on the leaves if I hadn't drawn the image, I'm also not sure I would have noticed the three layers of feathers on the top part of the back of the bird. When nature journaling I'm curious about the use of photographs to draw from, vs in the moment. Especially when thinking of drawing animals, I'm not sure I'd be able to gather as much detail of the warbler in the photo, the same as if I'd seen the warbler outside. This was fun!
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #653293
  • Kathryn
    1. What inspired you to begin nature journaling? I love sketching and do not do it very regularly, the idea of a nature journal seems to put a few of my loves all together with more awareness on time as well. I work with kids and have them keep nature journals, or work on drawing different aspects of plants and trees thus I'd like to be able to better teach and serve the youth with this practice as well. 2. Now that you’ve heard from several other journalers about their processes, and had a peek at their journals, which ideas or approaches do you want to try? I really enjoyed the first woman as she had the boxes for writing and drawing and then transitioned to drawings coming out of the box. The mix of observations, questions, names and drawings really struck me as something I naturally do as well. As for timing, I think starting with one or two entries a week feels do-able, perhaps progressing to more as time goes on. I also think I might try in the winter months to draw plants/shells/pinecones/feathers I have indoors as well. 3. Do you have a different journaling idea, not mentioned here, that you’d like to share? I'd like to include the moon phase in the data entry, as well as a few gratitudes in writing, or perhaps drawing, and an overall feel to the day/moment. I enjoy communicating with the plants and animals as well thus recording any messages or teachings I receive would be nice to practice as well.
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