1. Last summer I began spending more time outside on our new deck, intentionally. I started finding bugs and leaves that were interesting to look at, and I decided to try to draw them. I inevitably had questions about them, as I spent time drawing, and ended up googling info about what they were and why they looked the way they did. I was surprised at how much I learned just by observing — and waiting for questions to emerge from my wondering. I was also surprised at the feeling of satisfaction that I got from delving into questions that came to mind. At first I was going to keep a scrapbook of all my tiny scraps of paper with drawings of bugs and leaves. But I guess I could just keep them all bound in a journal...except my big worry is that I make a lot of “first attempt” drawings that are total fails. I’m not sure I want to have them bound in a journal along with the drawings I might be satisfied with. I like to remember my successes, not my failures. Haha.