Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 18, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Jon
    Since I am new to birding, I seldom know what kind of bird I am seeing, so here is what I do.  I take photos of the bird with my real camera (not a phone camera) because I have a 30x optical zoom so I can get a close-up photo of a far-away bird.  When I get home, I copy the photo to my computer and enlarge it for a better view.  Then I use Merlin Bird ID to figure out what the bird is.  Then I add it to my list of birds I have seen, which I keep in an Excel spreadsheet.  A couple days ago I had my best birding day ever, as I saw two kinds of herons on the same day.  Here are my photos of the green heron and the great blue heron. GreenHeron081820_2908GreatBlueHeron081820_2931
  • Jon
    We have four blue jays that come to our feeder.  When we have sunflower seeds, they take one at a time.  But they love peanuts and when we have peanuts without shells in the feeder they manage to take 3 or 4 at a time, shoving them down into their mouth.
  • Jon
    Why is the Birdnet app only available for Android phones?  When will it be available for iPhones?
  • Jon
    NorthernFlickerBelmontPond061620_1587NorthernFlickerBelmontPond061620_1592 Saw this northern flicker taking a drink at the pond at Fox Run in Novi, Michigan, June 16, 2020.
  • Jon
    cattleegret_0446 I was on Maui this past winter (back in the good old days when we were allowed to fly in airplanes and travel the world, before the current pandemic isolated us at home in Michigan).  My favorite bird on Maui is the Cattle Egret.  Egrets are "wading birds" but I always saw them in the bushes or grass along the ocean shoreline.
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)