Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 12, 2021
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Replies Created: 6

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Zariel
    Yes, I am noticing some more themes of nature. I found some tent caterpillars on one of my trees the other day, they had rolled up the leaf and surrounded it with a kind of "web", it was very strange looking. The tent caterpillars use their "tent" as a safe hide out from predators and the elements.
  • Zariel
    1. My sit spot was right in my front yard. I live right across the road from a wildlife refuge, so there is usually some interesting wildlife around. I set up a chair and sat with my journal for around 20 minutes. After only a few minutes a group of sparrows was splashing in a large puddle in the road(every time a car passed they would fly away and then return), two mourning doves landed in a tree a few feet away from me, 5 turkeys was walking around on the other side of the street, and I could hear dozens of bird calls coming from all directions.I quickly sketched the mourning doves and turkeys. I tried to sketch the sparrows, but they kept flapping around and I couldn't get the sketch to look right. 2. Seeing the turkeys and the sparrows was easy, but I would not have noticed the two mourning doves hidden in a sassafras tree if I was not paying close attention. I usually notice the bird calls, but sitting silently allowed me to hear an even wider range of calls.
  • Zariel
    1. I felt pretty good about drawing the photo. I found it  pretty easy to draw the warbler. It was difficult to get the wings right. At first I used the water brush to paint the wings, but I couldn't get the lines thin enough so it turned into a black blob. Then I painted over the wings with yellow and restarted them. I decided to use a very thin paint brush to get fine lines.2. I would not have noticed the position of the feet or how the wings fold.This would make a difference in nature journaling because your drawing would be more realistic with the more detail you can add.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #817140
  • Zariel
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #817139
  • Zariel
    I felt pretty good drawing from the photo. For me drawing the warbler was fairly easy. I found it challenging to paint the bird with detail using a water brush. I could not get thin, detailed lines so I decided to paint details with a thin paint brush. If I was not asked to draw the photo I would not have realized how many layers of feathers there are on the wings and how they all fold together perfectly. Noticing how the wings fold would make a difference when nature journaling because the more details you can include, the better and more accurate your drawings will be.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #814756
  • Zariel
    I have always loved art and nature, even when I was a little kid I brought a little notebook with me to parks and tried to draw the animals and plants that I saw. I have been working to improve my art skills and at the same time be able to better illustrate what I see in nature, especially plants and animals. In my journal I would like to include the date, time of day, species, and location. I want to fill the page with images and also write some notes.
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)