Rain/Snow yesterday in Denver, but today when I went for my walk I saw some weeds in the open space along the walking trail. So I brought a couple of pieces to the house and was able to determine what they were by contacting Larimer County Weed Service. Then I drew them along with their names and descriptions textures. I also found out one was non-invasive (Rabbitbrush) and Native American's had used as yellow dye and to make medicinal tea and chewing gum. The other (Common Mullein) is invasive. In spring/summer flowers and leaves are edible and can be used in salad or to make tea. I have lived here 70 years and never even noticed the weeds before. So fun experience.
About 6 years ago, I started birding. I retired 3 years ago and took some courses on colored pencil drawing. All of my art work is based on photographs I have taken. I have discovered I am very detail oriented and a perfectionist, so have not done nature journaling as the art is done in the field. I want to learn to be more free flowing in my art and not such a perfectionist. Of the samples I looked at the one I like the best was the picture on one page and the writing on adjacent page. I also noticed that the art and pictures were not "perfect" but allowed the person to remember events and recall places and feelings. Sounds like a good goal for me!