Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: June 6, 2023
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Katalin
    I have a lot of space and I have trees off to the back area. I sure like to do more with some of these spaces but the soil is so sandy and it seems to be impossible to work with.
  • Katalin
    I like seeing the differing views of the subject and noticing how the shapes change. I found it difficult for me as I am not an artist. I will keep trying.
  • Katalin
    image I was surprised that the drawings even resembled what i was trying to draw!  This was much quicker than when I drew the warbler in the first exercise. image
  • Katalin
    D8A62DCE-65D3-4658-A447-8234635ED60AI felt I was able to draw the bird better than I thought could. I have never drawn a bird before unless it was a stick drawing. So this was fun. It did take time though and I was tempted to add the water colors but I have no idea how to use the colors or the pens. I noticed several details on the warbler that I wouldn’t have and same goes for the twigs and branches and leaves. I also felt tremendous calm and peace as I sketched… I felt that I was in meditation mode, my thoughts quieted.. that was cool…
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #973846
  • Katalin
    I like the bright colors, the different types of items that are sketched and journaled.  I like the idea of writing vertically or horizontally or at an angle.  Boxing in some information may be useful.  I loved the dates to be elongated and how monthly journaling could be extremely appealing as the seasons change and different plants grow and birds and animals migrate or appear.  I am happy that date and time, location and weather should be included.  When I look back at the journal I will be able to remember where i saw or found an item.. lastly the different water colors and detail appealed to me to the overall look of the journal. I have always had an interest in sketching and drawing.  And in various times of my life have written a journal but never sketched. As a veterinarian i have always had a great interest in animals, and nature, birds, plants and flowers.  The variety in nature journaling is extremely appealing to me because it helps me observe nature more on an intimate level.  Not so rapidly as in a photograph. Something i am curious about…has any one glued into their journal for texture, a flower petal? Or loose feather? Or plant part?
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)