Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: December 26, 2023
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 4

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Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Lisa
    After looking with a different eye, I found that I have quite a few spots for birds to forage around for food. I will move my water source for them to a shady, closer to the ground spot. My neighbors have put up bluebird boxes and I love watching them go in and out.
  • Lisa
    I live on the west central coast of Florida and had my first painted bunting stop by in the yard this past December. I was so excited!!!
  • Lisa
    I live in Florida and enjoy the outside temperatures during this time of year.  I have made many mistakes and have learned from them so now I am looking forward to native plants and bird friendly areas. I tried some new plants but also rescued a puppy and let's just say he loves to garden also! So I have to keep him in mind when planning my area this time. Looking forward to just sitting and enjoying what is going on in my yard. I do not live in a development that has restrictions.
  • Lisa
    IMG_4001 I am excited to take out non native plants and create a wildlife area in my backyard. I have noticed with the changing seasons that my yard gets different areas of sun depending on the slant of the light. I also don't want to have to cover anything again during a cold snap. Birds coming to the yard and I would like to add places for butterflies.
    in reply to: Dig In! #1009473
Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)