Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 28, 2019
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Replies Created: 2

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  • Colleen
    1. I'm a wildlife ecologist so I keep a field notebook with me all the time. Mostly this is for data collection but I stray and write poems, remark on how beautiful nature is, write down research ideas and sometimes draw. Most of my drawings are super simple functional sketches that help me find nests in trees or identify individual animals. The sketches are helpful and I often take last years field notebook out with me the following year as a reference. I loved to draw as a kid but didn't continue into adulthood but want to. 2. I like the daily journal idea. I call  my home the tree house and there are always birds, squirrels and other critters outside my windows. It would be fun to do a simple daily drawing with notes attached to highlight what I see each day. I want drawing to be a practice. 3. I might want to do a dog journal. I love my dog so much. I could try to capture his coat pattern, expressions, tail wags, and always surprising behaviors in drawings and dog notes.
  • Colleen
    1. Drawing from the photo gave me lots of time to mess around on the page, maybe too much time because there is a lot to see on one little bird. The basic sketch was easier than I thought it would be so I was surprised and happy with how that turned out. Once I decided to color it I felt like I was ruining it. My bird looks more like a thrush than a warbler. Oh well first try! 2. I wouldn't have studied this photo as intensely if I wasn't drawing it. I really got into the feathers. I love feathers, they are so beautiful. I really want to play around with sketching and painting feathers. On this warbler the yellow feathers above the legs are so wispy and the scallop pattern on the wings and tail are super intricate. The feathers really produce the shape and attitude of the bird. It's hard to reproduce that. The drawing flattens the warbler. I hope to learn how to put some personality into the subject by making those feathers fluff out on the page.   IMG_9792
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646697
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