Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: March 28, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 4

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Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Susan
    There are Red-shouldered Hawks in my neighborhood, an older section of West Los Angeles near a golf course. Every hawk call leads to me jumping outside with my Nikon Coolpix P950 camera.  Recently I got a very poor shot of one with some wing feathers missing, likely a normal molt, which surprised me. I have now seen this bird many times perching on the highest point nearby, sometimes circling with as many as three others, and named her Wingy. The first shot was taken on 2/18 as she was calling loudly. A few days later I caught this probable mating attempt, and the following photo shows the defect in her wing, demonstrating that it was Wingy. DSCN3442 DSCN3466DSCN3468
  • Susan
    From my yard. I often sit quietly in my back yard and am amazed who might show up even briefly! Northern Mockingbird, White-crowned Sparrow, Acorn Woodpecker.DSCN2360DSCN3097DSCN2256
  • Susan
    My "gateway" birds were Anna's and Allen's hummingbirds.  In Los Angeles we see hummers all year. I realized they will come if you put out a feeder or plant appropriate flowers. They love the pentas I have planted in my yard. They do spend a lot of time resting and make great bird portraits. DSCN1234DSCN1141DSCN0661
  • Susan
    I enjoy seeing egrets at a local wetlands where I am a docent, and have seen them at a nearby beach. We tell our guests that Snowy Egrets have yellow feet and a dark bill, and Great Egrets the opposite. It is beautiful to watch them fly as well! DSCN2998DSCN0544DSC01171
Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)