Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 23, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Karoline
    I wouldn't notice a lot of the details of the bird - red streaks, bill shape, leg color, black on wings - unless I was drawing or intentionally trying to ID the bird. I think a lot of people don't get into birding because they're never taught by anyone to look for that detail. I am not so good at drawing. I am generally satisfied with my drawing of this bird. I have the shape and proportions of the bird mostly right, which is really good for me. I did a much better job with beak shape and eye placement than I usually do. I got some details, but not many. I struggle with varying line weight to capture detail. I'm better at shading and blending colors. But - and importantly - I took a full 10-15 minutes to get a picture I was satisfied with using a two dimensional reference drawing that would have sat still for me all night if I'd wanted it to. That's why I am much better at drawing plants from life. They are happy to have you spend all day looking at them. Birds are not and I am terrible at gesture drawing. :)
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #645522
  • Karoline
    I have always considered myself an outdoor-sy type person and I've always liked art (though I'm not very good). I have several books on nature journaling and the idea appeals to me. I've just never started doing it. I love birds. I used to live in Florida and I was a very active birder there. Now I live in Kentucky and I bird less because I just don't know the environment very well. So, I'm hoping to combine a number of things with this course. I'd like to start birding more in KY and nature journaling the experience. I really liked the journal in the video where the lady said she'd made a resolution to do a little journaling every day / every month. I'd like to resolve to do something everyday, but I know I won't be able to keep that resolution, so I'm going to aim for every week. But I liked combining the whole month/4 weeks on one page. That seemed like it had good potential to tell a story. I'm looking forward to forming a new habit!
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