Gesture drawing is sort of hard for me because many times I can not finish even the outline. Half a wing, a tail, even a line. But I have been working on it for several weeks and I'm imporving. I notice things like the bushiness of the fox's tail and the slant of eyes. I think I'm trying to work on too large a subject - I should work on just the wing, or just the eyes and ears. Or just the outline of the animal with nothing else. The movement make it the hardest thing so far.
This was harder than I expected. I don't know how you guys who chose "thousand stemmed " cactus did this. Anyway, my amaryllis flower was good but it had a disjointed stem. The bird was the easiest and I was hesitant to try the springbok. In that position I felt like he might jump away any minute and I couldn't get him in action. He didn't. I had to forget his action and focus on his shape. Good lesson.
I compared a wild grape vine leaf from my back yard with a sea grape leaf from my sister's yard. Sea grapes are trees and not grapes but their fruit grows in long clusters. They're used in similar ways - juice, jelly etc.
The grapes have jagged leaves with loose clusters hiding under leaves. Sea grapes are oval with long visible clusters. The leaves are much larger. In Fall the grape leaves are yellow, and sea grape leaves are orange or red with yellow veins. Both have a main vein that starts at the stem and goes to the other side of the leaf.
I learned that there is a plant with leaves similar to wild grape that is toxic. Open the "grape" and if the seed is like a crecent moon, don't eat it.
I think I could organize my data to see that it's a comparison by listing similar things side by side instead of randomly . Like - then scientific names, then colors, then how they grow on the stem, then other observations etc.
This was fun. I wanted to compare the tassel weed flowers in the yard, the neighbor's chickens, the trees blooming along the street.
May 1, 2021 Hot/sunny 8:45 am Ev. Nat. Pk. Long Pine Key
Observation 1. What was that pair of small grey-green birds that flit between the pine trunks? Sometimes upside down. Very busy. Not black and white warblers, not nuthatches or brown creepers (out of area). Silent. What are they looking for? Where did they come from? Are they on the way to somewhere? Who are they?
Observation 2. He was on the ground - a black bird. Way on the other side of the parking lot. Oh, a purple grackle. Then he flew at me. He's coming right at me. Will he stop? Should I duck? No. I'll sit still. Whew, he landed about 3 feet from my picnic table on the ground. Was he begging from me? But no, he wanted a big red bug! How had he seen that from so far away? Why did he pick on that? He hopped to the van and went around it. Walked into the woods behind me. I heard his little footsteps in the brown dry leaves. Then he was gone.
So, other questions - What else does he like to eat out here? Grackles often go in flocks, so where are his friends? Is this his usual feeding routine?
Half an hour later he reappeared and went into a clump of bushes. Exited. Followed by a squally fledgling. Oh my, could he be a she?
It was partly cloudy and warm. 4/28/21. I chose to sit on a swing in my yard. It was quiet with bird song until some county work trucks came up the street and parked under my oak tree on the berm. I saw a lot of green plants so I looked for things that were not green, blue (sky) or grey/brown. That left the red flower stems on the air plants in the oak tree, and the orange head of the lizard in the driveway. I talked to him and he looked at me awhile and ran away. The next day the flower stems opened with long blue flowers with yellow centers. So small I wonder how they get pollinated. They lasted one day. So, I drew the lizard's face and arm, and the flower stem. I don't know how to upload it. Maybe I'll try that next time.
I journaled on the sides of my bird lists for years and it grew to flowers, landscapes and notes. I like the idea of boxes to relieve the clutter. I think I saw a white tailed kite on a trip years ago and since I recently found one near my home I want to find that journal and see. I would like to know about giving some depth/detail to my sketches. And I have NO idea what to do with water color. Looking forward to finding out. Hurray, that things don't have to be finished, and it's fine to not get it perfect, and it's ok to try try try. This will bring more delight to my expressions.