Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: June 29, 2016
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Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • ruchi
    I have been conducting a Citizen Science Programme with students of grade 9-12 in association with Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centre at BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) in Rani, Guwahati ,Assam. We have been working with the local people in order to conserve the Vulture population of the White backed and Slender-billed vultures. Our students have been conducting Art for Conservation programme for the village kids and have been designing lots of Street Plays and performing the same to generate  awareness.Also, they have been learning and understanding the science behind captive breeding programmes.
  • ruchi
    While teaching about Photosynthesis we shared with students that there are few things that are essential for plants to carry out photosynthesis such as light, water and carbon dioxide, which was abstract for a student of grade 3.So we designed a guided inquiry on how following factors effect photosynthesis: we asked the students to take  pots of planted plant with almost same height and place pot A in a dark corner, pot B in the balcony but with no water for 4-5 days, pot C with plant covered with a polythene bag tightly sealed for 4-5 days and pot D placed in a balcony with constant supply of light, water and carbon dioxide. Students were asked to record their observations and draw an inference from the same.
  • ruchi
    This picture with all the students hooked  up to the activity conveys everything. This clearly indicates how an inquiry generated in the right direction can motivate the learners to continue with their learning.
  • ruchi

    @ruchi For me inquiry is a process to relate with your surroundings or learning through the real world experiences. It emerges from how you perceive and observe the world around you that further generates curiosity to know more. And then you begin to explore and experiment, you are able to identify certain issues or facts and you act and  analyse. You reflect and look for possibilities to improvise and further unlearn and re-learn.

  • ruchi
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)