My property is in a woodland edge setting. Water, nesting materials and nesting/sheltering places are available in the woody wetlands behind my house. My plan is to increase the availability of nectar bearing flowers, plants with edible berries, grasses, and plants with edible seeds that support birds and pollinators. I also want to start replacing the sod with a no-mow option of ground cover like white clover that will also support pollinators. I'll have to plan carefully to choose plants rich in calcium oxalate crystals and other deterrents to reduce browsing by our local deer population.
I recently was able to purchase the home as I was renting and am excited to be able to invest time, money, and energy into developing out door spaces that welcome birds and a variety of insect pollinators. I'm fortunate to live in an area where there are woods on the edge of my property, but also have the challenge of a a large deer population. I also hope to reduce, if not eventually fully eliminate areas that need regular mowing. I have two bird feeders on my property that attract an array of species typical to Upstate NY including cardinals, American gold finch, chickadees, several species of woodpeckers, rose breasted grosbeaks, and white throated sparrows, to name a few.