Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: November 29, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • mary
    It took a couple of years to determine the down hill flow of water and the various grasses in the yard. I have had to move some plants around the yard but eventually I found their happy place. I have nature scape in my front yard as it is flat and gets the most sun.
  • mary
    IMG_2334My backyard  with the native trees nd bushes  left to right, river birch, spice bush and dogwood  hard to see as leaves have fallen off . My neighbors trees look like this because the previous owner had a couple of evergreen. Hopeing that these make it through the winter and the deer. I am looking to add some of the plant recomendation for trees.
  • mary
    I have a smallish backyard in southwestern Pennsylvania. My back yard got dug up this spring for the sewer system upgrade. I have since planted native trees and shrubs and am hoping they make it past the deer and will have a glorious spring and summer. I also have my front year planted with various native plants. I found out I do have slugs so that was nice. I am looking into a few plants to add to my yard.  I think I am going ii. The right direction.
  • mary
    After my was dug up I planted the following: hemlock, white pine, dog wood and river birch. Shrubs are serviceberry and spice bush. I did also plaants so redbuds but not sure they will survive the deer. Have tried everything. my front yard to dry and flat so I have dedicated it to the flower or lower growning plants that attract birds like bee baum , sun flowers and anomies.  Have also swamp milkweed. Have bulbs in spring and let my dandylions grow. i really enjoy my yard, my birds and my plants. I enjoyed this couse as I am a continuing learner and always curious about whats happening outside.
  • mary
    Starting with a clean slate  back yard after sewer replacement   IMG_2293
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)