Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: December 28, 2016
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Gordon
    I appreciate all that you are attempting to do, educate the general public, however, over the last several years I've taken many courses at NYBG and have read the books written by Douglas Tallamy, E.O. Wilson and Rachel Carson as well as many others. My suggestion is the courses need to be geared more towards regions.  For example, one might assume that they could plant a Blue Spruce in Westchester County, NY and be doing good, but of course to do so would provide almost no benefit to birds in this area. So, these courses need to be at least generally regionalized. I must add that your organization has done a great service to us as the public and I thank you for those efforts. Might your organization consider offering online more in-depth courses on these especially important subjects like what the NYBG does with plants and insects?  As you are aware, knowledge of environmental habitats, ecosystems and biodiversity is particularly important.  My observations of what goes on in my neighborhood indicate that people still value large lawns of Eurasian turf grass, using pesticides, defoliants and artificial fertilizers and planting non-native plant species as if it were eye candy. Education is the answer to these problems and with that hopefully values will change. Thank you        
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