Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: November 29, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Paul
    Yellow Warbler 1. How did you feel about drawing from the photo? What came easily and what was challenging? I often draw from photos because the subject is static and I can change my sketch based on how closely I believe the image has been replicated. I am enrolled in this course with the specific goal of developing impromptu sketching/drawing skills so that I am not bound to replicating static images, I want to capture the escence of what I am observing. 2. Was there anything in the photo that you might not have noticed if you weren’t asked to draw it? Would this make a difference when nature journaling? I feel like that with a photo to draw from I often loose the "life" in the subject because I am trying so hard to duplicate the image instead of capturing the feeling of the moment in nature.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #652924
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