Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 31, 2021
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Sylvia
    My two main goals are photography for identification (mostly when I'm visiting a new area) and photography of natural and unique behaviors. Many of my photos feel "lucky", and while I feel luck has its place in photography, it would be helpful to build the skill behind a photo as well. I learned of the importance of tripods and blinds, thanks to this lesson. The tripod I have been using was one used for a scope, and while it is decent, it does not necessarily hold the weight of my camera/lens. I thought I could get by for a while, but now I understand the value in a good tripod! It is likely to be my next investment, photography-wise. As for blinds, I've been wearing dark clothing in the field, and it has worked pretty well. However, if I were to photograph more in the forest, I see the value in camouflage clothing or a blind and in preparing a blind before taking photographs.
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