• Kathleen
      Chirps: 74
      Gesture drawing does help in getting the observation down on paper and with motion implied in the quick sketch. You obtain a sense of motion that helps make the observation become more life like. The roadrunner was in stride, head pointing forward in its chase. I had trouble getting the tail represented to make the proportions right. IMG_20210810_163758IMG_20210810_173519
    • Catherine
      Chirps: 5
      Capturing gestural drawings with creatures in motion is super hard for me. Like others have mentioned, I hardly can get a wing or leg or tail sketched before the foxes or birds move. Often, because I feel so slow, I find that I keep a brief memory image and draw from that for a few seconds before trying to capture a new pose. Need lots more practice!Foxes
    • Sara Alice
      Chirps: 6
      Gesture drawing is sort of hard for me because many times I can not finish even the outline. Half a wing, a tail, even a line. But I have been working on it for several weeks and I'm imporving. I notice things like the bushiness of the fox's tail and the slant of eyes. I think I'm trying to work on too large a subject - I should work on just the wing, or just the eyes and ears. Or just the outline of the animal with nothing else. The movement make it the hardest thing so far.
    • sarah
      Chirps: 1
      Really appreciated Liz reminding us a few times over the course of these gesture drawing videos to be kind to ourselves when it comes to the outcomes of our drawings. And that the enjoyment is in the process!
    • Ann
      Chirps: 4
      Yes, this is helping. It also helps me break things down into basic shapes and see how they move and overlap.
    • Suzanne
      Chirps: 22
      IMG_6651I watched a heron intimidate another to leave his territory. I noticed the basic shapes of the birds to capture their movement. Their legs and feet seemed to inform the sketches more than their wings, which I thought would be the other way around. Maybe if I'd been more accurate in portraying the wings, they would indicate more.
    • Christine
      Chirps: 10
    • Gerda
      Chirps: 10
      94008E8F-2558-46ED-9578-9F4E27C23889_1_105_c I had never drawn an animal before, therefore I had to stop the video to capture their gestures. I will try to draw it again like the ducks, fast and not really precise, practicing what I might see outdoors while sitting quietly! ....and just dreaming of seeing such a delightful play as the Arctic Fox.
    • Carolyn
      Chirps: 17
      • Nicole
        Chirps: 1
        I love how you were able to capture the shape of the beak! I can tell from your sketch the different things the birds was doing, like how it's preening inself.
    • Carolyn
      Chirps: 17
      Found it very difficult to maintain a pace fast enough to capture even some of the duck's movements. Fun, but much more practice needed. Noticed the cyclical behavior.
    • Beth
      Chirps: 6
      I need about a million years to practice gesture drawing. I have no experience drawing live animals, and i'm pretty dedicated to pretty lines. sigh.  This one was a real challenge.  Will keep at it, though.
      • Carolyn
        Chirps: 5
        I totally agree with your impression of gesture drawing.  This will take a lot of practice to feel somewhat comfortable doing.  I felt like I was mostly just scribbling, but I will also keep trying.
    • Himesha
      Chirps: 5
      Gesture drawing helps in noticing various behaviors of different animals. It's fun to watch them while drawing.IMG_7682IMG_7684IMG_7683
    • Dee
      Chirps: 40
      GESTURE DRAWING 4-13-21
      • Dee
        Chirps: 40
        The time limit for each drawing really forces you to focus on the subject.
    • Dee
      Chirps: 40
      Moving gestures 4-13-21
      • Dee
        Chirps: 40
        It was hard to follow the moving video of the duck but it was good practice to try to draw the subject while in motion.
    • I noticed the movements of the birds because often it made them easier or harder to draw. For example, the house sparrows would hop from the feeder to the ground (out of view) but the pigeon would slowly strut around. The wing bars on the Goldfinch really popped out to me in  away it hadn't before I drew it. I was surprised to see a squirrel show up!IMG_2446
    • Karen
      Chirps: 19
      I think I am noticing more of the mannerisms and interaction with gesture drawing.  I used to always draw from photographs, I would never have tried to draw something moving.  I like having the ability to draw something on the spot, even if the drawings aren't perfect. Gesture Drawing Sparrows
    • Christopher
      Chirps: 9
      Easier to draw birds that are more relaxed than the twitchy birds, as I have more than a fraction of a second to make some sketches. The chickadees are too quick for me at this point, but the woodpeckers are more cooperative. IMG_0701
    • Emma
      Chirps: 5
      Gesture drawing is quite difficult — I like the challenge, though! I drew a stink bug climbing on top of my feeder and the foxes from the video. I zoomed in on my favorite sketch from the stink bug drawing here.image imageimage
    • Kathleen
      Chirps: 28
      Gesture drawing really helps one feel the movement and the spirit of the subject! For that reason, I think gesture drawings are important to do before a prolonged drawing. Gesture.1Gesture.2Gesture.3
    • Janine
      Chirps: 21
    • Melanie
      Chirps: 8
      Gesture drawing lets me feel the object without too much mental intervention.IMG_0905 2
    • Karly
      Chirps: 11
      this is very helpful. i can really better pay attention to the behaviors and see details in a  new way.
    • Courtney
      Chirps: 3
      Yes it is helping. When watching birds I find myself paying more attention to the beak shape and size. Also how the birds feathers move and take shape when the bird lands. I was watching a video on northern cardinals and blue jays. Getting the imagine down is hard but it is allowing me to see details I may not have before. image
    • Mwangi
      Chirps: 8
      IMG_20201230_113217 Struggling between drawing what I see and drawing from memory - what I think I should be seeing. Need to learn to trust my eyes and hands more, rely less on memory.
    • Florence
      Chirps: 18
      This was hard to draw. Too much movement. Might get better the more I do. I’m not used to my subject moving.  It is different to draw activities.  9E6573AF-61A8-41E6-AF67-0319B30F7967