The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Anything but Common: The Hidden Life of the American Crow › Crow Research Techniques
It was interesting that the teams need to look for new nest every year, as American Crows do not re-use their nests. The wing tags seemed large, and I wonder if there was any change to flying patterns as a result? I wonder, using radio and tag tech, what did you learn bout how far a crow will leave its some travel hundreds of miles away and stay there?
It was interesting to learn why you used the wing tags as well as the leg bands. I also found it interesting to learn that they do not return to the same nest and that they nest so high up at the top of the trees. This year I hear them frequently in the woods behind one of the neighbors, and it makes me wonder if the nest is up in one of the white pines. Thank you for the fascinating information.
The big tags! I didn't know anything about their nests. I'll have to search some out in the field.
The size of the ID tags were quite noticable. I wonder if this affects behavior.
The tags seem to be a little large.
I had heard about the different tagging methods. Seeing them and hearing about some details (e.g., age, individuality) added context. Learning about the crow's nesting sites will/may help me to see more of them, as I hike around the area (and around the cemetery).
I didn't know where they tend to nest toward the tops of tall trees. That info will be a big help in finding their nests (I hope).
I'm surprised you don't use microchips to follow the birds
How difficult the nest is to find. How many nestlings are in the clutch.
I was just reading that old school thought was that research animals should not be given names. Tags are essentially names and obviously vital to your research.
That the tags and bands in many cases lasted throughout the life of the crow and let the team know how long lived these birds are.
Most interesting is the dedication of research throughout the life of the bird and the fact that it can possibly be a couple of decades! It's also interesting that the individuality of the birds can be learned.
The fact that the crows in the study are given 2 bands as well as a wing tag. If I saw a crow with a wing tag I would think that something was wrong with it, and that it had become entangled in something. Also that you have to draw blood to sex the birds.
The way you follow them for their entire lives was a surprise to me. Also how many tags they have.
The length of time that the researchers studied the individual birds and got to know them, even without their tags.
The wing tags and the radio wires on their backs. They look uncomfortable for the crows. But i know the researchers care about their birds and so im sure it must not bother them too much. also i did not know that crows got white feathers when they got older. Even though there is probably a measureof academic detachment, it must be sad for the researchers when a crow disappears and never comes back. I would be sad after spending so much time with them
I did not realize that the birds wore multiple identifiers. I am sure getting good visuals on the nests is not an easy task. Would use of a drone be more feasible?
Lifespan - In the past, I'd believe it was a lot shorter. Good to know. Makes me happy they live longer.
I was most surprised to hear that individual crows are tracked for so many years! It must be heartbreaking for the researchers to lose a bird after spending so much time with it.
Amazing lifespan!
I had no idea that crows live so long. I also was surprised by the size of the wing tags.
From eggs to grave.
The ability to age the crows and the longevity of the crows.
That they do wing tags. I love crows.
I was struck by the longevity of the crows and the steadfastness of the researchers over many years. It also surprised me that the researchers could examine baby crows so thoroughly, with such a variety of procedures, and then return them to the nest to pursue life as a nestling unperturbed. I wonder if the encounters and procedures remain in the birds' memories or affect their future behavior in any discernible way. In later years do they talk to each other about having been kidnapped by aliens...?
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