• Andrew
      Chirps: 4
      PXL_20220123_152613688 I used a combination of stippling and hatching to attempt this value exercise. The most challenging thing for me is achieving the transitions between the values. This drawing probably would have been more successful if I had stuck with just stippling.
    • Susie
      Chirps: 3
      CBAShells When I drew textured objects with light shadow contrast - I became so preoccupied with the form and light shadow that I forgot to try out the various types of shading
    • Rebekah
      Chirps: 3
      While in general it was easy to see where some of these techniques would be applied, I wouldn’t say it is really apparent to me when I am looking at things. How to decide which of the shading techniques to use in which situations isn’t particularly clear yet….but I am totally new at this! Rebekah Hamilton
    • Michel
      Chirps: 4
      I enjoyed practicing 3D techniques. Happy with my acorn by blending with the stump. The pear was not as convincing. I used contour hashmarking for the pear and crosshatching for the shadow. Tempted to finish with the stump but I was hoping to get an effective hashmarkA86734DB-B0A4-4D38-916B-8F057D82CDD847D1AB68-5C41-4CDF-B63E-5B08C626E157
    • Dawn
      Chirps: 25
      I think I need to work on contrast and values the most at this point.  The chiarosco, while interesting, doesn't seem like it would be applied a whole lot to field sketching moving objects.  I realized while doing this squash that my lighting is not the most desirable.  I have three bulbs in cages that each act as their own light source and cast their own shadows. IMG_1025
    • Dawn
      Chirps: 25
      IMG_1023I am starting to see better how to use different kinds of marks to make the kinds of textures that I see.  It was fun to scribble on the top of the bison head to make the curly hair. I don't think I was quite able to capture the texture of the lichen that I was going for.  Perhaps zooming in even more would be more effective. It is still difficult to get the values input correctly on something that is unevenly lit like the dog close-up at the bottom. I want to work on using the squint to get the values more accurate.  When I can get them right I feel like the image is most successful.
    • Karen
      Chirps: 15
      • Dawn
        Chirps: 25
        Nicely done!  Your dark and light values are excellent.
    • Teresa
      Chirps: 5
      This is hard but I'm enjoying the journey and playing around with the techniquesIMG_1797
    • Anastasis
      Chirps: 10
      It's not easy, but with practice everything is possible. I tried to draww a mallard, because I´ve seen many of those lately. WhatsApp Image 2021-11-10 at 20.01.02
    • Beth
      Chirps: 15
      This was great practice and now that it's on the screen I see a lot of areas that need more attention. The crosshatching, which I played with a little here, is super tricky and I'd really like to figure out how to use it well. Untitled design9
      • Dawn
        Chirps: 25
        These look great to me.  You have really done a good job capturing the texture of the veg.  You can really feel the smooth shininess of the pepper and the dry papery onion.
    • Renee
      Chirps: 1
      This is definitely a progressive work in progress technique. I will need to practice on my blending the different regions in my sketch. Renee MiltonIMG_2161
    • Theresa
      Chirps: 5
      Ran into a tarantula on the trail. Tried to sketch one using lessons so far.20210827_091859
      • Karin
        Chirps: 25
        Yikes ! Very life-like.  Good depth and shading.
      • Theresa
        Chirps: 5

        @Karin Thanks! The real one sure scared me.

    • Karin
      Chirps: 25
      IMG_0683   IMG_0639 trying to do chiarscuro of big cucumber. IMG_0644
      • Karin
        Chirps: 25
        I forgot to comment: It is getting easier to concentrate, very relaxing for me. I am really struggling with shading and depth of perception. I enjoy this learning experience and can't wait to learn more. I love just grabbing notebook and pencil and just sketching what is there.
    • Theresa
      Chirps: 5
      I tried drawing the vegetable exercise. It's going take some practice, but starting to see how to make objects appear 3D with shading, light and dark.20210825_080255
      • Teresa
        Chirps: 5
        Your shading helped me in my shading :-)
    • Beth
      Chirps: 4
      PineconeI used this pine cone and hatching, contour hatching, and blurring to practice finding appropriate value that provides a 3D illustration. I'm not sure that a pine cone was the best option (I've never drawn a pine cone) and I got a little lost (!) but I tried to refer to a scale of light and dark to consistently convey where the lightest/darkest parts of the cone were observed.
      • Robin
        Chirps: 8
        That is a really beautiful drawing! I love how you captured the *sharpness* of the pointed ends. The shadowing looks great to me.
      • Karin
        Chirps: 25
        That is really good. Sometimes, the item picks us. This really helped me.
    • Patricia
      Chirps: 4
      Very helpful techniques.  think I will wait awhile before sharing any of my attempts however really enjoying seeing others.  gives me hope mine will improve as my comfort level improves.
    • Jim
      Chirps: 2
      How challenging it has been to draw a pepper! The grain of the paper I use has been a factor as well. Will switch to a smoother grain. Color has been a challenge, too. shades of green, for example. Better luck with grey/black tones. But promising results with a touch of color on a peach. The pine cone was relatively easy, for some reason.IMG_2737IMG_2736 IMG_2739
    • Steve
      Chirps: 5
    • Arleene
      Chirps: 20
      Here are some of my attempts at using the skills you have taught us. I can see how to apply the techniques but will definitely need more practice. I did enjoy trying them all out. It was fun learning ways to draw and how to use the different marks. Also I found I was more relaxed, not worrying too much about the finished product and just having fun. I like to write notes in the journal as it helps me remember what I did and what techniques I used as well as anything special about that particular sketch. 07AB0AB4-CDBC-44E8-8BEC-E904FC507117_1_201_a8AE91CDB-A04E-4A7E-8F8F-06C3510918CF_1_201_aE0EF82E5-DE9A-4BFF-97C3-09C6C7236F9F_1_201_aI found the 3D shading difficult. I am looking forward to more lessons and practice
    • Kayla
      Chirps: 19
      After trying some of these drawing skills, it was a little easier to see where and how each could be applied. I am definitely starting to feel more comfortable putting marks on the page compared to before. I want to work on my shading a little more though. I decided to do a robin, although there wasn't much contrast and the proportions were a little off, I'm happy with how it turned out. IMG-4441
    • Fernando
      Chirps: 2
      988D92A9-71E4-42C3-935E-7FBBDFC2EDC1This is my last drawing and painting and is the result of all of your advice and the techniques taught by you during this course. I am quite happy because it has given confidence to continue with this endeavor. Dear Liz your advices have been very helpful and I have really enjoyed your talks. I will continue doing the exercises to improve this hobby .Thanks
    • Marc
      Chirps: 16
      image59CF226D-8D4A-41BB-A5A3-7AD5693F96A4I am starting to find it easier to find details and textures, as well I am getting more comfortable with putting pencil to paper. I had some challenges with chiaroscuro but I’m thinking it’s because I was to tense with my apple drawing and need to take a step back, maybe get the techniques to work for me. It was fun regardless and I am finding my work is starting to get better slowly with practice.
    • Patricia
      Chirps: 7
      I have some problem making shadows look real - they seem too harsh. Any suggestions? I also need work on the distinction between showing value and showing surface texture. Fruit- chiaroscuroConch Shell
      • Caitlin
        Chirps: 2
        In your colored drawings, try using darker shades of the same color(s) of the object itself instead of using black to create the shadows. The same goes for the surface on which the object is set (note: the object's color may also be reflected onto the surface). For example in the real world, if you look at leaves in sunlight you'll see the leaves in the shade are actually a darker green and they are a very light green where the sun is reflecting.
      • Karin
        Chirps: 25
        I think you did a nice job on the banana. I am having the same trouble. With my rocks, I tried scribbling, that helped a little. With curved objects try contour.
    • Jacqueline
      Chirps: 14
    • Jacqueline
      Chirps: 14