• Geetha
      Chirps: 10
      IMG_5718 Small The feeling of drawing was really thrilling. Was initially reluctant about the finish of the bird image. It was my first attempt at bird drawing without using an eraser. That itself was very satisfying. Branches and the leaves were easy to draw. The challenging part was the finer details of the branches and the colour composition observed in the photo. Yes, maybe the white fungus part of the branches, the stubs, and dried leaves, and also the finer details of babbler feathers.
    • Lori
      Chirps: 5
      the longer you look at something the more you see...the warbler's chest feathers are brownish red! I never would have noticed that without looking at the picture for a long time.IMG_6553
    • Bill
      Chirps: 1
      I really liked this exercise.  I just started and learned as I went. And I was surprised how well it turned out.  I am a long time birder, so I have a pretty good 'feel' for the shape of particular bird species. That really helped. The hardest part was the wings:  getting the flow of the feathers right and getting the shading right to show contrasting patterns. The head was easiest because of the consistent colouring. Drawing this bird helped me see the different textures and colours of the bird's body. I will look more carefully at a real bird now!Yellow Warbler sketch  
    • Mick
      Chirps: 2
      I'm waiting for instruction on use of colors. I have little talent in drawing, painting, etc., but have taught video production. I stayed with pencil and noted details. My focus is in field marks and interesting details like the lack of a clench on the left foot. This will help in journaling. YEWA
    • Carol
      Chirps: 2
    • Mary
      Chirps: 1
      I didn't use watercolor because I had color pencils right in front of me and I'd procrastinated getting started. I think the drawing came out okay,  although it looks a little stiff and flat. Couldn't get the feeling of roundness of the bird or the fluff of chest and upper back feathers. It was a bit of a challenge to draw the bird from a photo. I wonder how I would get moving objects to be recognizable if sketching from real life?   Yellow Warbler Drawing
      • Brenda
        Chirps: 10
        Nicely done! I also did not use watercolors (or markers) because I was afraid to mess it up. But, it didn't turn out too bad :)
    • Sandra
      Chirps: 1
      • 2F884222-65E4-4EF4-93B7-B7F94E39AAC4A9254808-09F9-42AC-8156-4216209DE970I thought it was fun to dive in. I liked working on the proportions. It was a little hard to get the detail and to have a crisp image. For instance, the highlight in the pupil for was difficult because I’d mark over it. I like how the bird claws cling to the branch by wrapping around it similar to how a person grasps. I didn’t notice that before I started trying to draw.  It was a little difficult to figure out the feather structure and how to depict it and also how to show the softness of the feather fluff obscuring the leg but to still show how straight the leg was.I used color pencils because I don’t yet know how to use the water brush and pocket field sketch box.
    • Renee
      Chirps: 6
      This was difficult for the first time drawing My bird looks lopsided, I cannot get the scale right, or an accurate representation of the feathers. By drawing it I did notice more detail both in the bird and the habitat -- how the bird's feathers have different layers, the interesting patterns and colors of the lichen on the branch for example.
    • Catherine
      Chirps: 4
      I like detail but have a terrible memory so love photos.  I can also reflect on what I did see and not just try to remember it.  I was drawn to the colors more due to the greyish background and was interested in everything my eye could take in.  The Lichen and type of holly tree all made me curious.  I worry I may not do well in nature with just my eye and memory to catch the true subjects.  I tend to question what plants are around me, tree, flowers or weeds so I think I can see those as well as the bird or creature and learn about them too.
    • Joanne
      Chirps: 1
      I don’t have my watercolors yet, so I used pencils.  Drawing from the photo really allowed me to see all of the details in how each feather was arranged and how the sum of the parts made up the complete bird.  It seems almost impossible to capture! 79AFE2FD-9136-4532-8293-373117E56DA0
      • Wendy
        Chirps: 5
    • Carole
      Chirps: 5
      Yellow warbler I haven't used water colors before.  I just received my supplies for this class and this is my first attempt to use water colors and a water brush.  I found it difficult to control the paint.  The colors turned muddy.  I have used acrylics before, just whimsical paintings.  I found getting the proportions correct was difficult.  The tail is too long and I couldn't figure out how to get the head cocked to the side.  I am looking forward on learning how to draw from life and expanding my skills.
    • James
      Chirps: 2
      May thought that it was scary to draw a new thing with no instructions but then realized she did it all the time and got the hang of it. I also thought it was a little scary but when I got started I realized it wasn't so bad. For May everything accept the toes and legs. I thought that most of it was challenging but when I got to the wing it got easy. When May looked at the picture after she had drawn it she hadn't seen the mushrooms at the edge of the picture but she had drawn it. I didn't notice the little patch of  yellow vines at the edge of the branch the bird was standing on. But I did draw it on my pad. But we think that it matters because we would want to catch every little detail. And I think it's fun just jumping into the drawing without thinking about it. Thank you, May & Margot
    • Cheryl
      Chirps: 8
      I enjoyed drawing the little warbler.  I found the beak really hard to draw.  Struggled getting the proportions right. The item I may not have noticed in the photo, that I noticed when I drew the warbler was the black on the feathers in the wings.  The red streaks on the breast of the bird have always jumped out at me when I've seen them in pictures and in the wild but I never really noticed the black on the wing feathers.  I used colored pencils and next time I may try water color.  I've never used them before but just picked up some watercolor pens.  Wish me luck! :)   B0367280-5576-494F-A603-3BEC742DDC27
    • Maya
      Chirps: 1
      pre - yellow warbler Felt pretty okay getting shapes sketched out, but trying out the watercolors really threw me. Tough to get the right colors mixed!
    • Oksana
      Chirps: 2
    • Very quick sketch with pencil and colored pencils, in keeping the spirit of the course!  I usually put more time and effort and pull out the watercolors but really doesn't come out that much better.   I wish I could draw/paint thin fine lines which are needed for the feathers.  Overall happy with my little yellow warbler!Yellow warbler
    • 1.  It’s been quite a while since I drew anything, and I have never been any good.  It was better than I expected, but still pretty kindergarten like. 2.  The way the Yellow Warbler’s feet appear on the branch.  Yes.
    • Nora
      Chirps: 8
    • Nora
      Chirps: 8
      Drawing from the photo is easier than from the field, I suppose.  Still, challenging is drawing the feather details.  I might have missed the color of the feet, and the breast pattern as more streaked than stripes.  Certainly, drawing makes me more focused on the particular details and field marks. It helps me remember them better, but also it is sometimes easier to depict than describe.
    • Natalie
      Chirps: 1
      78F10DDD-8A38-45C2-AB1D-F43BF068A15CWe have lots of warblers where I live, but I have never drawn one before. Overall, kind of challenging because I don’t draw often. But I really loved getting to notice all the minor details.
    • Andrew
      Chirps: 1
      I was challenging to get the size and proportions correct, even from a photo. Drawing it helped me notice the shape and feather patterns. cornell-journalling-classj-lesson-1
    • Mary Helen
      Chirps: 1
      The practice sketch was fun! I enjoyed practicing the feet, something I wouldn’t have tried without the photo. I can see the benefit of using photos in the field if you want to capture details you can’t really see well in the field- like warbler’s feet. On the other hand, they may be a distraction from being in the moment with what’s in front of you. 75A72388-F332-480C-803B-74D54362E9F2
    • Mike
      Chirps: 1
      Starting with basic shapes and framing helped in the drawing. Interested to see how next attempt has improved.AD1C03B5-FB39-4357-BAD2-7D305AFE14D9
    • James
      Chirps: 19
      IMG_4599I've never seen a Yellow Warbler in person (that I know of).  Now that I've drawn one, I'm much more likely to recognize one in the future.  Drawing from a photo can be great since you can hone in and focus on details (since the subject isn't moving)--and you can choose to highlight details that catch your eye and let others fade or draw them with less detail.
    • Marimena
      Chirps: 2
      Drawing from a photo gave me time to look at details and have the proportions and shapes drawn as accurate as possible; however, the challenging part was trying to illustrate actions (e.g. the feet of the yellow warbler perching on the branch, what was the bird intended behavior, etc).  I did not apply water colors.  If I were capturing a yellow warbler when nature journaling, I would have probably failed to notice the contrast in the wing bars and how many bars they have.