Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 9, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 3

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Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Roger
    707FFB87-8984-4082-81C6-154301CFEF3BHere is my first shot at the assigned drawing. I found working from a photo a relaxing way to start paying closer attention to detail and slowing down the whole process. I figured out how to do the transfer on my iPhone. This has been really enjoyable ! Love seeing everyone’s work on these posts.😊 mary ann
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646823
  • Roger
    How can I post my photo of my drawing here.I am taking the pic of my work with an iPhone. Then wanting to transfer that photo to this reply  "Inserting Image" Thanks, Mary Ann
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646818
  • Roger
    1. What inspired me to take this course? I have always loved watching some dear friends work on their nature journals, and hoped and intended to do this lovely type of recording through art and observation for myself. A little bit of fear, self judgement , and procrastination combined to keep me from diving into this project. So when I saw the email describing the Cornell online class, I jumped at the chance to have the structure that would get me going! 2. Now that I've heard from several other journalers about their processes, and had a peek at their journals, which ideas or approaches do I want to try? I'm starting with the style of the boxes defining the topics and comments I want to use to encourage myself, so that I can imagine writing and drawing strictly for myself and no one else. The box effect seems to lead me to keep to one thought or noteworthy interest and keep me focused . Just for myself... I will hope to find it helpful to note the date, time, weather, and location. Again, to help remembering the circumstances present during my observations. I am a retired R.N., after 45 years in practice. Drawing has always been something I loved to do as doodling, and I am hoping I can give myself its hidden gifts now, when I finally have more time to do more than just "doodle"! It was lovely to hear and see the enthusiasm and ideas of the journals who presented their work and ideas. Thank you all! Mary Ann
Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)