Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 1, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Aaron
    I enjoyed this activity.  I thought the positioning of everything was the most difficult.  I also wish I would have added color.  The shading on the tree and some of the bird is also difficult to capture.  Sorry if this shows up twice I submitted an answer previous but didn't see the submission. I would not have noticed the nostril or the membrane on the beak if I wasn't asked to draw it.  Additionally, I would have missed all the Lichens.  IMG_5648
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646764
  • Aaron
    1> I have always done some sort of journaling and even drawing and journaling. I have wanted to fine-tune these skills to develop further, not just artistically but also a sense of purpose. I teach middle school students, and I hope to help instill some of these practices with them. I enjoy being in the classroom again. 2>I appreciate the quality of each of the Journals and approach. I believe the descriptions are as important as an artistic capture. The one I also like the simplistic approach and while it may not have been as attractive as the final day to day journal. I also think that those details are essential and perhaps can be overlooked through art. So while one may not be as artistic, one can focus on poems, descriptions, etc. The simple things such as date, time, area, weather were all critical. 3>The video component incorporated that captured the individuals' actual explanations of the day and what they were trying to achieve and express is an essential component.
Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)