I really like the Taking Ownership of Data Quality... I am a hands on learner and I get excited when others interests are sparked by hands on learning. To see the lightbulb go off, their curiosity peaked, or joy of a question being understood. I also like to let others find out for themselves rather than just giving the answers.
I like to give a spoken lesson out in nature, ask the group for their take or input, then to enhance memory, give a short written (on paper) quiz to see what they have retained. We then go over the answer together and save in a progressive journal to refer back to. Throughout the semester I usually throw out a question or two as they come back up in nature.
At Earthroots Field School, we have a variety of lessons that concentrate on observing nature. We have a quiet sit, where we encourage students to observe their immediate environment, for a specific amount of time (shorter for kindy, longer for older kids/adults) We then reconvene and talk about what we noticed. We go on nature walks to locate and to discover on the spot. We look at tracks, water pathways, trees and plants, insects and local birds and animals. Sometimes we do these in structured way, have questionnaires after or sometimes we just let it happen naturally and spontaneously.