Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 12, 2021
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Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Carolyn
    I totally agree with your impression of gesture drawing.  This will take a lot of practice to feel somewhat comfortable doing.  I felt like I was mostly just scribbling, but I will also keep trying.
  • Carolyn
    I visited a local garden, found a quiet spot to sit, and compared two nearby plants - a dawn redwood tree and an overgrown boxwood shrub.  I found that the comparison sparked more questions, encouraging me to look up more information.  Not having a scientific background, I find it difficult to understand the natural functions of what I'm observing, but the process is encouraging me to learn more. IMG_6460 IMG_6461
  • Carolyn
    IMG_6426Here's my backyard contour drawing.  I've done this type of exercise before, 20 plus years ago, as part of a drawing class.  It is a little funny to see the outcome, but it does help to focus the eye on the subject.  It took a bit of practice to get that focus.
  • Carolyn
    1.  It took a few days for me to decide to do the drawing - not sure why, but I think I had some fear that it would be difficult or challenging.  In the end, I enjoyed drawing from the photo and looking at the detail of the bird.  I noticed the details of the feathers, the shape of its various parts.  I was challenged by the proportions, and the surrounding details.  2.  I would not have noticed all the details of the feathers had I not been asked to draw the bird.  Nature journaling, I hope, will allow me to notice details that I might miss otherwise.  I'm wondering especially how to capture bird details from my own observations rather than a photograph.   IMG_6379
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #808653
  • Carolyn
    Many years ago, I enjoyed taking some drawing and watercolor classes.  I’ve wanted to take another art class, had been considering a botanical drawing class.  The pandemic restrictions of the past year have allowed me to notice and enjoy the natural world around me more, including keeping a rudimentary journal of new discoveries in my backyard and walks around my neighborhood and nearby park.  For the first time, I noticed migratory birds, seeing several species I had never noticed before.  I hope that I can continue to enjoy more discoveries, and love the idea of keeping a more beautiful journal, incorporating drawings, watercolor, and reflections.
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)