Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 2, 2023
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 8

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Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Donna
    Your colors are really nice! Love it
  • Donna
    Cardinal Painting Thank you for the course!
  • Donna
    I learned so much.  Thank you for helping me re-start my art - it used to be fun, I just got out of the mood for the last 10-20 years, so this was perfect to help me with a focused project.  It took me days, lol, I started too dark on my underpainting and had to overpaint some things.  I like my tail and body the best, they were not as over-worked as the head and wings.  I still think the head looks a bit too much like fur, I even tried a smaller brush, which helped a bit.  I like Jane's vibrant colors, my mind kept going to the photo and trying to capture the depth of shadows and I got things a bit muddied, especially under the left wing coverts.  I am learning to use the water brushes and stay-wet palate, it does help to not use my squirt bottle and jar of water so much.  I appreciate the detailed color mixing, however, when I would go to the next video, I would forget the mixtures I used (should have written them down, as Jane suggested) - I rinsed off my palate sheet each day, I didn't complete every lesson in one sitting, and when I would come back the next day the paints on the palate would not be as fluid as straight from the bottle.  I will never look at a barn swallow the same again! Final Barn Swallow
  • Donna
    My bird so far: swallow unfinished Getting there - I had trouble following paint mixture recommendations because my underpainting was too dark.  Also, I went ahead and painted a background because I didn't want to paint over any of my finished bird - my camera didn't capture my hues very well, my colors are more toned down and warmer... I have done watercolor painting before, but am struggling with using the acrylics and water brushes and getting my washes to the right thickness. I will get a nice puddle on the palate, and it sinks down into the sponge underneath - or, if my sponge is too wet, it bleeds water up into the paints, making things run together.  I may try using my ceramic dish for my mixes and leave the straight colors on the stay-wet surface.  I do like how the water brushes stay nice and clean and I don't have to continually dip into a water cup. Question - the paper has a smooth side and a more textured side.  I used the textured side since I am used to more textured cold press paper.  There is no watermark to show the correct side - does anyone know which side we should be using?  I suspect I may be using the wrong side since the paint sinks right into it - there is no way I could scrub out paint that is thrown by the blow dryer. This took me several days - phew!
  • Donna
    Like others, my head color is darker than Jane's - it seems she used more of a thin wash - my color does nearly match the vibrant light blue I see in the photo on my screen, maybe that is what everyone else is finding when they go to compare their work to Jane's blue.  My neck color is also more intense, will need to take that into consideration when I do the overpainting, lol Barn swallow underpainting
  • Donna
    Agree, I had trouble with dimensions also - the upper wing was hard to size since it is foreshortened, had to hold my pencil out and compare different parts of the drawing ... then as a last step, I enlarged the pdf image until I could see it through the paper and even after my measurements, I saw that my body thickness was also wrong and the tail was too large.  Fortunately, it is easy to erase pencil!
  • Donna
    I agree that the flight feathers were a whole-mind exercise!  Tip for everyone:  don't eat a chocolate chip cookie while drawing, your hand might have some melted chocolate on it, lol.  I see that I uploaded this on the feather groups section, but it is after the next video of individual feather groups. Barn Swallow
  • Donna
    I love cardinals - can't wait to paint him :) Cardinal
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)