Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: November 18, 2016
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Replies Created: 3

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  • Cassandra

    @Lee Ann van Leer Thanks for these links, they are great.

  • Cassandra
    I saw the course advertised and thought how wonderful it would be to be able to do that... capture the spirit and essence of things in nature, sit outside and sketch and be pleased with the results, make a record of precious moments and places, get lost in the doing of it... I would also like to be able to paint realistic birds but that might be a separate endeavour in itself. I paint acrylic semi abstract landscapes and that is really fun and satisfying, but the itch to draw - more, better, from life - is calling me. I so enjoyed watching the video with all the different journals. So many more ideas than I had thought of. I like the idea of the boxes and then letting it spill over, and the month at a page. I have a tiny watercolour travel paintbox so I would like to try using ink with that.
  • Cassandra
    20191011_084728 (2)_LI I found it hard to get the proportions right even though it was a still photo, and the end result has some good aspects but less life like than I dream of being able to do. I noticed the feet much more than I might have as it was tricky to get them to curve around the branch
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646349
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