Can’t Log In: Username or Password Problems
Before creating a Bird Academy account
If you already have an account with Bird Academy, or with another Cornell Lab project (e.g. eBird, FeederWatch, NestWatch, etc…), don’t create a new account – sign in with your existing account. If you’ve forgotten your username or password, follow the steps below.
Forgot your username
- Go to the Forgot username page.
- Enter your email address and click the Get username button.
- Check your email for a message called “Username reminder” from Bird Academy. (If you don’t see it in your inbox, check the spam folder, and if you’re using Gmail, look in the promotions or updates folders.)
- This email contains a list of all your usernames (usually just one). Click on the username that you want to use. This will return you to the sign-in page.
Forgot your password
- Go to the Forgot password page.
- Enter your username and click the Reset password button.
- Check your email for a message called “Password reset” from Bird Academy. (If you don’t see it in your inbox, check the spam folder, and if you’re using Gmail, look in the promotions or updates folders.)
- Click on the link in the email to set a new password.
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