Project FeederWatch Kit
Project FeederWatch registration is automatic
Enroll in Feeder Birds: Identification and Behavior and you will automatically receive a free registration to Project Feeder Watch (residents of the United States only). There is no extra step required to complete this registration.
Kit Shipping times
If you purchased our Feeder Birds: Identification and Behavior course during the Project FeederWatch sign-up season from early fall to February, you will receive your kit within two to six weeks. Otherwise, the kit will not be shipped until the start of the next sign-up season, early in the following fall.
What you will Receive
New FeederWatch participants will receive a full kit.
Returning FeederWatcher participants will receive the newsletter and FeederWatch calendar.
If you’re already signed up for FeederWatch
If you’re already signed up for FeederWatch this season, your free membership will automatically be applied to next year.
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