Avian Vocal Behavior—Sound Visualizations
Fig. 10.38
Dawn chorus. Each day, birds begin to sing in the darkness before dawn. Try to pick out different species in this dawn chorus, recorded on a spring morning in western Oregon (USA).
Fig. 10.39
Temporal variation in suboscine song. Some New World flycatchers, such as Eastern Wood‐Pewees (Contopus virens), sing (A) distinctive song types at dawn compared with (B) the rest of the day.
(A) Dawn Song
William W. H. Gunn, Macaulay Library
(B) Daytime song
Geoffrey A. Keller, Macaulay Library
Fig. 10.41
A simple duet. Male and female Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) perform a simple duet without tight choreography. A male repeats a loud phrase several times, while his mate occasionally adds a low‐frequency rattle.
Gerrit Vyn, Macaulay Library
Fig. 10.42
Vocal mimicry. Lawrence’s Thrush (Turdus lawrencii) is a skilled mimic of other forest birds in South America.
Curtis A. Marantz, Macaulay Library
Fig. 10.43
Flight song. In lengthy displays, Eurasian Sky Larks (Alauda arvensis) spiral into the sky while repeatedly singing whistled notes. At the peak height of their display, they turn and rapidly descend into their territory while continuing to sing.
Gerrit Vyn, Macaulay Library